Organizations declining permission
I think it's worth while to put up a list of those who have refused
permission for me to put up a picture of their mural(s) here.
That may help other people who like to take pictures
of murals know that they should expect special
difficulties with these.
- Pacific Theatres on Robertson Blvd. near Third has a mural on
its first floor, showing people watching a movie. Their
staff were quite nice, and had me send in a fax describing what
I was doing. Then someone higher up said they wanted a media
kit from me before they could permit me to take a picture. Not
having one, I declined.
- Southwestern Law School not only doesn't allow people
to take pictures of their mural The Spirit of
Transportation, by Herman Sachs, displayed at the rear entrance of
their building on 3050 Wilshire Blvd., they don't even
allow people to take pictures of the building. "It's
some kind of copyright thing", I was told.
- SPARC has its own page.
- The Gas Company doesn't allow people to take pictures
of its large outdoor mural by Frank Stella, Dusk
at 433 Olive Street. You can buy a postcard of it,
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