
Parent company Exxon Mobil

Rank in Greenhouse 100 Suppliers: 4
2021 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions from combustion of all fossil fuels supplied (metric tons): 246,421,832
Percentage of national total 2021 supplier emissions: 5.3%
CO2 from produced petroleum (mt): 246,316,386
CO2 from supplied natural gas (mt): 0
CO2 from supplied liquid natural gas (mt): 105,446
CO2 from mined coal (mt): 0
CO2 from industrial CO2 gas supply (mt): 0
CO2 from coal converted to liquid fuel (mt): 0
Parent company sectors (in descending order of emissions): Petroleum Refineries, Natural Gas Extraction, Other, Crude Petroleum Extraction

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Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by Coal Liquid CO2e descending, then by CO2 Gas descending, then by Exported Oil CO2e.
Links on facility names lead to EPA FLIGHT reports or to Greenhouse 100 Coal Index displays for coal mines. Links on states lead to state displays.)
Facility NameStateCO2 equivalent emissions (mt)Percent of total company emissionsSplit *CBI **Produced Oil CO2eImported Oil CO2eExported Oil CO2eNat. Gas CO2eNat. Gas Liquid CO2eCO2 GasCoal Liquid CO2e (sorted by)Coal CO2eCoal production (short tons)Coal type
Santa Ynez Unit (SYU)CA00.00%Yes0000Confidential0000
EXXONMOBIL OIL JOLIET REFINERYIL34,600,66214.04%34,600,66200000000
XTO - Cotton Valley Gas PlantLA105,4460.04%0000105,4460000
ExxonMobil Fuels & Lubricants Company Billings RefineryMT8,033,6453.26%8,033,64500000000
EXXONMOBIL Bt SiteTX72,620,39429.47%72,620,39400000000
Exxonmobil Beaumont RefineryTX52,351,01821.24%52,351,01800000000
ExxonMobil Chemical CompanyTX00.00%0Confidential473,547000000
Exxon Mobil CorporationTX00.00%0Confidential51,213,675000000
Shute Creek FacilityWY00.00%Yes00000Confidential000
XTO - Cotton CoveTX00.00%Yes00000Confidential000
For more information on the data, see the technical notes.
* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.
** CBI: if Yes appears in this column, then one or more of the supplier CO2 amounts for the facility (excluding imports and exports) have been treated as confidential by EPA. Amounts that EPA has declared to be confidential are treated as zeroes. If there are confidential amounts, the actual supplier emissions would be larger than shown. Petroleum exports are not included as supplier amounts (we assume that they were also reported as production if they were produced in the US.).

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