
Canopus International

2019 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions (metric tons): 850,852
Parent company sectors (in descending order of emissions): Chemicals, Other
EJ: Poor Share: 17%
EJ: Minority Share: 37%

This company is rank 50 on the Toxic 100 Air list.
This company is rank 5 on the Toxic 100 Water list.

Facilities displayed below: (
display sectors at facilities) (display sectors)
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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by state.)
(Links on facility names lead to FLIGHT reports. Links on cities lead to Mapquest maps.)
Split *
AlphaPET Inc. Decatur AL 42,711 5.02% 36.5% 17.9%
Indorama Ventures Xylenes and PTA LLC DECATUR AL 258,627 30.40% 37.0% 17.2% 503,128
Indorama Ventures Olefin Westlake LA 437,384 51.41% 37.2% 17.3%
STARPET INCORPORATED ASHEBORO NC 33,495 3.94% 23.9% 15.2% 2,852
Auriga Polymers Inc. SPARTANBURG SC 78,635 9.24% 36.7% 16.7% 10,990

For more information on the data, see the technical notes.

* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

The Toxic Air score column shows the facility's total chronic human health air toxicity score if the facility also exists in the Toxic 100 Air database.

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