
Southern Co.

Rank in Toxic 100: 66
Rank among all TRI companies: 182
Air releases 2010 (lbs): 22,076,334
Incineration transfers 2010 (lbs): 0
Total Air and Incineration Toxic Score 2010: 237,684
Percentage of national total 2010 toxic air and incineration score: 0.061%
EJ: Poor Share: 14.4%
EJ: Minority Share: 40.8%

Chemicals displayed below: (
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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by revised incineration transfers.)
(Links on chemical names lead to Scorecard chemical health effects.)
Naphthalene 88 0 12,000 1 0.00% 13.2% 31.0% 32.5% 19.3% 9.0%
Styrene 1,367 0 4 0 0.00% 9.0% 26.6% 32.1% 28.1% 2.1%
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Lead and lead compounds 6,003 0 18,000 151 0.06% 14.7% 33.3% 43.9% 31.2% 8.1% *
Manganese and manganese compounds 11,446 0 70,000 1,038 0.44% 14.8% 33.5% 43.7% 31.5% 7.8%
Mercury and mercury compounds 4,133 0 12,000 47 0.02% 15.7% 35.0% 42.1% 32.6% 5.8%
Nickel and nickel compounds 7,660 0 930,000 8,926 3.76% 14.6% 33.2% 43.0% 30.7% 7.9%
Thallium and thallium compounds 48 0 14,000 1 0.00% 15.8% 34.6% 42.4% 36.3% 3.7%
Arsenic and arsenic compounds 6,801 0 15,000,000 88,660 37.30% 14.3% 33.0% 37.8% 27.2% 7.1%
Barium and barium compounds 41,187 0 7,000 334 0.14% 15.1% 34.0% 43.5% 32.2% 7.2%
Beryllium and beryllium compounds 465 0 8,600,000 3,741 1.57% 13.2% 31.4% 38.0% 26.2% 8.3%
Chromium and chromium compounds 7,800 0 43,000,000 78,217 32.91% 14.6% 33.1% 43.7% 31.2% 8.2%
Cobalt and cobalt compounds 2,011 0 17,000,000 32,325 13.60% 13.4% 31.6% 38.2% 26.8% 7.9%
Copper and copper compounds 5,730 0 1,500 10 0.00% 14.6% 33.0% 43.8% 31.4% 8.1%
Vanadium and vanadium compounds 9,971 0 140 2 0.00% 14.7% 33.3% 45.2% 32.4% 8.3%
Zinc and zinc compounds 20,880 0 100 3 0.00% 14.7% 33.3% 42.7% 30.7% 7.7%
Hydrochloric acid 13,922,000 0 180 2,555 1.08% 15.1% 34.6% 39.9% 29.3% 6.2%
Hydrogen fluoride 2,619,000 0 250 801 0.34% 15.5% 34.5% 46.6% 34.9% 7.3%
Ammonia 754,950 0 35 101 0.04% 12.3% 30.3% 30.0% 19.8% 6.1%
Sulfuric acid 4,630,840 0 3,500 20,765 8.74% 15.4% 34.3% 45.5% 33.4% 7.6%
Selenium and selenium compounds 23,950 0 180 3 0.00% 14.4% 32.8% 36.9% 26.3% 6.9%
Polycyclic aromatic compounds 4 0 1,300,000 3 0.00% 14.1% 31.9% 34.9% 27.8% 4.3%

For explanations of most columns above, including the EJ Shares, see the technical notes.

For the Rv (revisions) column,
* indicates that the record contains one or more chemicals at facilities whose TRI air releases or incineration transfers for 2010 were revised downwards since 2010, and whose hazard and score have been adjusted accordingly.
** indicates one or more chemicals at facilities whose quantities were revised upwards, or both upwards and downwards. Chemicals revised upwards had their pounds adjusted, but not their score.
*** indicates that the RSEI microdata do not match the public RSEI data.

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