

2015 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions (metric tons): 874,175
Parent company sectors (in descending order of emissions): Pulp and Paper, Waste, Other
EJ: Poor Share: 20%
EJ: Minority Share: 31%

You can also view this company's penalties in Good Jobs First's Violation Tracker.
You can also look at this company's subsidies in Good Jobs First's Subsidy Tracker.
This company has information in PERI's Toxic Air database.
This company is rank 24 on the Toxic 100 Water list.

Facilities displayed below: (
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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by CO2 equivalent emissions (mt).)
(Links on facility names lead to FLIGHT reports. Links on cities lead to Mapquest maps.)
Split *
WEYERHAEUSER NR COMPANY LONGVIEW WA 359,759 351,866 1,723 6,170 1,143,229 0 41.15% 82,013 15.9% 0.7% 8.3% 19.4% 42.9% 35,697
Weyerhaeuser NR Company - Flint River Oglethorpe GA 165,359 78,840 82,104 4,415 1,135,041 0 18.92% 12,293 65.2% 59.0% 4.3% 24.9% 48.1% 1,776
WEYERHAEUSER NR COMPANY COLUMBUS CELLULOSE FIBERS COLUMBUS MS 120,651 88,421 24,802 7,429 1,702,099 0 13.80% 17,916 60.8% 58.5% 1.6% 31.4% 53.2% 1,783
Weyerhaeuser - New Bern Vanceboro NC 118,095 101,313 15,506 1,276 770,223 0 13.51% 51,654 36.4% 26.9% 4.1% 18.1% 38.5% 12,599
WEYERHAEUSER PORT WENTWORTH SAVANNAH GA 74,181 68,860 977 4,345 1,074,055 0 8.49% 166,071 55.8% 45.9% 6.1% 20.8% 41.4% 10,254
Plum Creek Columbia Falls MT 36,130 33,248 425 2,457 213,224 0 4.13% 29,895 4.7% 0.1% 1.7% 11.9% 31.0% 13,020

For more information on the data, see the technical notes.

* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

*** Biogenic CO2 has not been included within the emissions totals anywhere else in this application.

**** "Other emissions" include HFCs, NF3, PFC, SF6, and other fluorinated gases.

The Toxic Air score column shows the facility's total chronic human health air toxicity score if the facility also exists in the Toxic 100 Air database.

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