
Southern Company

Rank in Greenhouse 100: 1
2015 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions (metric tons): 104,564,333
Percentage of national total 2015 GHGRP large fixed source emissions: 3.4%
Percentage of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, including transportation and residential: 1.6%
Parent company sectors (in descending order of emissions): Power Plants, Other
EJ: Poor Share: 18%
EJ: Minority Share: 45%

You can also view this company's penalties in Good Jobs First's Violation Tracker.
You can also look at this company's subsidies in Good Jobs First's Subsidy Tracker.
This company has information in PERI's Toxic Air database.
This company is rank 4 on the Toxic 100 Water list.

Facilities displayed below: (
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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by EJ Poor Percent.)
(Links on facility names lead to FLIGHT reports. Links on cities lead to Mapquest maps.)
Split *
Mitchell (GA) ALBANY GA 51,952 0.05% 82.3% 37.6% 4
Greene County Forkland AL 2,121,686 2.03% 68.2% 34.3% 520
David M Ratcliffe De Kalb MS 1,896,281 1.81% 75.3% 31.7%
Dahlberg (Jackson County) NICHOLSON GA 353,803 0.34% 38.6% 30.8%
Sweatt Electric Generating Plant MERIDIAN MS 11,678 0.01% 57.8% 28.2%
Harllee Branch MILLEDGEVILLE GA 809,579 0.77% 40.6% 26.0% 72
Hammond ROME GA 1,311,394 1.25% 34.6% 24.7% 484
Scholz Electric Generating Plant SNEADS FL 48,822 0.05% 37.5% 23.7% 7
Chevron Cogenerating Station PASCAGOULA MS 857,595 0.82% 52.4% 23.1%
Cleveland County Generating Facility Grover NC 580,378 0.56% 23.1% 22.7%
Edward L Addison Generating Plant THOMASTON GA 233,954 0.22% 29.7% 22.6%
Red Hills Generation Facility Ackerman MS 3,665,287 3.51% 25.9% 22.5% 1,070
Washington County Cogen (Olin) McIntosh AL 507,312 0.49% 58.3% 22.4%
Watson Electric Generating Plant GULFPORT MS 1,381,617 1.32% 39.1% 21.2% 901
Kraft PORT WENTWORTH GA 949,295 0.91% 57.9% 21.2% 241
Wansley (6052) FRANKLIN GA 4,643,314 4.44% 17.5% 20.0% 3,188
Wansley CC Franklin GA 2,974,149 2.84% 17.3% 19.8%
Gadsden GADSDEN AL 283,835 0.27% 24.5% 19.7% 0
Theodore Cogeneration Theodore AL 715,973 0.68% 39.4% 19.4%
Jack McDonough SMYRNA GA 7,060,347 6.75% 57.6% 19.0%
Yates NEWNAN GA 475,879 0.46% 32.6% 18.7% 495
Plant Rowan County SALISBURY NC 1,119,667 1.07% 35.0% 18.6% 8
Barry BUCKS AL 7,272,688 6.96% 37.9% 18.6% 2,382
E C Gaston WILSONVILLE AL 6,935,670 6.63% 19.1% 18.4% 23,859
Gorgas PARRISH AL 5,023,206 4.80% 14.1% 17.6% 10,817
Stanton A ORLANDO FL 723,939 0.69% 56.7% 17.1%
James H Miller Jr Quinton AL 19,247,050 18.41% 23.9% 17.1% 7,425
Nacogdoches Power LLC Cushing TX 1,766 0.00% 24.4% 16.5%
Lansing Smith Generating Plant SOUTHPORT FL 1,863,701 1.78% 22.4% 14.7% 88
Oleander Power Project COCOA FL 151,017 0.14% 26.0% 14.7%
E B Harris Generating Plant AUTAUGAVILLE AL 2,777,277 2.66% 29.8% 14.6%
Daniel Electric Generating Plant ESCATAWPA MS 5,724,584 5.47% 33.5% 14.6% 94
Crist Electric Generating Plant PENSACOLA FL 2,865,633 2.74% 32.9% 14.5% 5,268
PEA RIDGE PACE FL 71,953 0.07% 24.9% 13.9%
McIntosh (6124) RINCON GA 184,661 0.18% 32.6% 13.5% 14
McIntosh Combined Cycle Facility RINCON GA 3,078,524 2.94% 32.6% 13.5%
Bowen CARTERSVILLE GA 12,501,578 11.96% 22.7% 12.7% 35,767
Plant H. Allen Franklin SMITHS AL 4,047,463 3.87% 25.2% 12.5%
Southern Company Transmission and Distribution Atlanta GA 39,827 0.04% ** **

For more information on the data, see the technical notes.

* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

** This facility's emissions are nonlocal -- released in a widespread area. So it is not meaningful to look at the characteristics of the population living within 10 miles of the facility address for copollutant effects.

The Toxic Air score column shows the facility's total chronic human health air toxicity score if the facility also exists in the Toxic 100 Air database.

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