
Royal Dutch Shell

Rank in Greenhouse 100: 35
2015 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions (metric tons): 17,391,182
Percentage of national total 2015 GHGRP large fixed source emissions: 0.6%
Percentage of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, including transportation and residential: 0.3%
Parent company sectors (in descending order of emissions): Refineries, Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems, Chemicals, Other
EJ: Poor Share: 16%
EJ: Minority Share: 63%

You can also view this company's penalties in Good Jobs First's Violation Tracker.
You can also look at this company's subsidies in Good Jobs First's Subsidy Tracker.
This company is rank 5 on the Toxic 100 Air list.
This company is rank 79 on the Toxic 100 Water list.

Facilities displayed below: (
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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by facility name.)
(Links on facility names lead to FLIGHT reports. Links on cities lead to Mapquest maps.)
Split *
AC 857 A Offshore TX 275,627 1.58% -- --
Aera Energy 25 Hill Maricopa CA 180,894 1.04% 43.6% 22.9%
Aera Energy Alberta Finley Shale Fellows CA 194,724 1.12% 36.3% 25.9%
Aera Energy Anderson Fitzgerald McKittrick CA 56,682 0.33% 12.9% 19.4%
Aera Energy Belridge McKittrick CA 1,590,645 9.15% 12.9% 19.4%
Aera Energy Buena Fe Maricopa CA 29,929 0.17% 43.6% 22.9%
Aera Energy Calso McKittrick CA 23,919 0.14% 12.9% 19.4%
Aera Energy Coalinga Coalinga CA 244,581 1.41% 66.4% 19.9%
Aera Energy Lost Hills McKittrick CA 191,694 1.10% 12.9% 19.4%
Aera Energy Metson Maricopa CA 43,986 0.25% 43.6% 22.9%
Aera Energy MOCO Maricopa CA 375,813 2.16% 43.6% 22.9%
Aera Energy San Ardo San Ardo CA 222,976 1.28% 44.4% 19.1%
Aera Energy San Joaquin Basin Bakersfield CA 29,427 0.17% ** **
Aera Energy Wier Gore Maxwell Fellows CA 52,793 0.30% 36.3% 25.9%
Criterion Catalysts and Technologies L.P. Port Allen LA 43,407 0.25% 63.7% 24.1% 225,334
GB 128 A Offshore LA 79,831 0.46% -- --
GB 426 A Offshore LA 68,988 0.40% -- --
GC 158A Offshore LA 74,038 0.43% -- --
MC 807 A Offshore LA 138,640 0.80% -- --
MC 807 B Offshore LA 101,239 0.58% -- --
MC 809 A Offshore LA 225,896 1.30% -- --
Nakika MMS Platform ID 02481 Complex ID 1001-1 Offshore LA 162,266 0.47% 50% -- --
Norco Manufacturing Complex Norco LA 3,522,767 10.13% 50% 51.8% 15.4%
Permian Operations - Shell Exploration & Production Company Houston TX 215,007 1.24% ** **
SHELL CHEMICAL CO - GEISMAR PLANT GEISMAR LA 933,213 5.37% 37.0% 12.6% 25,932
SHELL CHEMICAL COMPANY SARALAND AL 413,729 2.38% 58.5% 24.8% 9,890
SHELL DEER PARK REFINERY DEER PARK TX 4,091,622 23.53% 75.0% 19.6% 6,883
SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US - MARTINEZ REFINERY MARTINEZ CA 3,416,231 19.64% 50.7% 10.8% 62,482
SHELL PUGET SOUND REFINERY ANACORTES WA 1,946,151 11.19% 18.3% 11.5% 13,530
ST ROSE FACILITY ST ROSE LA 58,086 0.33% 39.3% 14.0%
SWEPI / Green River Basin Pinedale WY 0 0.00% -- --
SWEPI LP (Shell) Appalachian Basin (Eastern Overthrust Area) 160A Sewickley PA 138,865 0.80% ** **
VK 956 A Offshore AL 59,172 0.34% -- --

For more information on the data, see the technical notes.

* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

** This facility's emissions are nonlocal -- released in a widespread area. So it is not meaningful to look at the characteristics of the population living within 10 miles of the facility address for copollutant effects.

The Toxic Air score column shows the facility's total chronic human health air toxicity score if the facility also exists in the Toxic 100 Air database.

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