Air Toxics at School 2019
School Info
Street | 9800 SPENCER HWY |
City | LA PORTE |
State | TX |
Number of students | 574 |
Student % minority | 62% |
Type | Regular school |
Status | 1-Currently operational |
Level | Middle |
Data Source | CCD (public schools) |
Air Toxics Info
Number of facilities affecting school | 581 |
Number of chemicals affecting school | 273 |
Toxic percentile nationwide (1=worst) | 1st |
Toxic rank nationwide (1=worst) | 31 |
Toxic percentile statewide (1=worst) | 1st |
Toxic rank statewide (1=worst) | 8 |
Toxic Hazard | 546,614.65 |
There are 35 schools with worse air toxic ranks than this school nationwide.
This school's air toxic concentration is 121.14 times the national average at schools.
There are 9 schools with worse air toxic ranks than this school statewide.
This school's air toxic concentration is 53.59 times the state average at schools.
Top 5 facilities
(click here to expand list to all facilities)
Top 5 chemicals
(click here to expand list to all chemicals)
Top 5 chemicals from facilities
Facility | Parent Company | Chemical | Toxic Hazard |
EQUISTAR CHEMICALS BAYPORT CHEMICALS PLANT | LyondellBasell | Ethylene oxide | 211,302.15 |
CELANESE LTD CLEAR LAKE PLANT | Celanese | Ethylene oxide | 155,251.69 |
CLARIANT CORP CLEAR LAKE PLANT | Clariant | Ethylene oxide | 83,764.50 |
EURECAT US | EURECAT US | Cobalt compounds | 21,293.64 |
ALBEMARLE CORP BAYPORT PLANT | Albemarle | Cobalt compounds | 17,765.86 |
(click here to expand list to all chemicals from facilities)