Air Toxics at School 2019
School Info
School | CRENSHAW EL |
Street | 16204 WOOD DR |
State | TX |
Number of students | 547 |
Student % minority | 94% |
Type | Regular school |
Status | 1-Currently operational |
Level | Elementary |
Data Source | CCD (public schools) |
Air Toxics Info
Number of facilities affecting school | 603 |
Number of chemicals affecting school | 272 |
Toxic percentile nationwide (1=worst) | 1st |
Toxic rank nationwide (1=worst) | 51 |
Toxic percentile statewide (1=worst) | 1st |
Toxic rank statewide (1=worst) | 12 |
Toxic Hazard | 414,965.81 |
There are 64 schools with worse air toxic ranks than this school nationwide.
This school's air toxic concentration is 91.97 times the national average at schools.
There are 13 schools with worse air toxic ranks than this school statewide.
This school's air toxic concentration is 40.68 times the state average at schools.
Top 5 facilities
(click here to expand list to all facilities)
Top 5 chemicals
(click here to expand list to all chemicals)
Top 5 chemicals from facilities
Facility | Parent Company | Chemical | Toxic Hazard |
LYONDELL CHEMICAL CO | LyondellBasell | Ethylene oxide | 198,338.60 |
LYONDELL CHEMICAL CO | LyondellBasell | 1,3-Butadiene | 86,011.60 |
EQUISTAR CHEMICALS BAYPORT CHEMICALS PLANT | LyondellBasell | Ethylene oxide | 20,610.08 |
LYONDELL CHEMICAL CO | LyondellBasell | Benzene | 18,828.77 |
CELANESE LTD CLEAR LAKE PLANT | Celanese | Ethylene oxide | 15,801.87 |
(click here to expand list to all chemicals from facilities)