Air Toxics at School 2019
School Info
School | LEE EL |
Street | 12900 W LITTLE YORK RD |
City | HOUSTON |
State | TX |
Number of students | 914 |
Student % minority | 90% |
Type | Regular school |
Status | 1-Currently operational |
Level | Elementary |
Data Source | CCD (public schools) |
Air Toxics Info
Number of facilities affecting school | 232 |
Number of chemicals affecting school | 135 |
Toxic percentile nationwide (1=worst) | 1st |
Toxic rank nationwide (1=worst) | 17 |
Toxic percentile statewide (1=worst) | 1st |
Toxic rank statewide (1=worst) | 3 |
Toxic Hazard | 955,061.91 |
There are 19 schools with worse air toxic ranks than this school nationwide.
This school's air toxic concentration is 211.67 times the national average at schools.
There are 3 schools with worse air toxic ranks than this school statewide.
This school's air toxic concentration is 93.63 times the state average at schools.
Top 5 facilities
(click here to expand list to all facilities)
Top chemicals
Chemical | Toxic Hazard |
Chromium | 698,899.29 |
Nickel | 250,257.94 |
Ethylene oxide | 3,629.61 |
Diisocyanates | 782.18 |
Chromium compounds | 491.85 |
1,3-Butadiene | 420.68 |
Benzene | 135.16 |
Manganese | 81.70 |
Propylene oxide | 34.20 |
Hexachlorobenzene | 31.76 |
Cobalt | 31.63 |
Hydrogen cyanide | 27.28 |
Vinyl chloride | 25.44 |
Chlorine | 23.04 |
Acetaldehyde | 19.51 |
Diaminotoluene (mixed isomers) | 18.86 |
Sulfuric acid | 16.40 |
Cobalt compounds | 15.03 |
Naphthalene | 14.87 |
Chloroform | 14.48 |
Cadmium compounds | 14.08 |
Copper | 9.73 |
Arsenic compounds | 6.69 |
Allyl alcohol | 5.13 |
Acrylic acid | 4.95 |
Nickel compounds | 4.66 |
o-Toluidine | 4.52 |
Hydroquinone | 3.68 |
Acrylonitrile | 3.56 |
Formaldehyde | 2.96 |
Polycyclic aromatic compounds | 2.90 |
Carbon tetrachloride | 2.86 |
Benzyl chloride | 2.58 |
Hydrogen sulfide | 2.29 |
Chlorothalonil | 1.97 |
Quinoline | 1.77 |
Ethylbenzene | 1.74 |
Styrene | 1.73 |
1,2-Dibromoethane | 1.53 |
Maleic anhydride | 1.47 |
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene | 1.20 |
Dioxane | 0.87 |
Dicyclopentadiene | 0.87 |
Hydrogen fluoride | 0.83 |
Copper compounds | 0.80 |
Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) | 0.57 |
Lead compounds | 0.52 |
Hydrochloric acid | 0.42 |
Ammonia | 0.39 |
Nitric acid | 0.33 |
Xylene (mixed isomers) | 0.33 |
Glycol ethers | 0.33 |
Lead | 0.26 |
Aluminum (fume or dust) | 0.24 |
Zinc compounds | 0.23 |
Phthalic anhydride | 0.22 |
Toluene | 0.22 |
Methyl tert-butyl ether | 0.21 |
Manganese compounds | 0.18 |
Antimony compounds | 0.17 |
Diethanolamine | 0.14 |
1,2-Dichloroethane | 0.12 |
Acrolein | 0.09 |
Acetonitrile | 0.09 |
Propionaldehyde | 0.07 |
Epichlorohydrin | 0.06 |
n-Hexane | 0.06 |
Barium compounds | 0.05 |
Cyanide compounds | 0.05 |
Chloromethane | 0.05 |
Boron trifluoride | 0.04 |
n-Butyl alcohol | 0.03 |
Mercury compounds | 0.02 |
Cumene | 0.02 |
Ethylene glycol | 0.02 |
Acetophenone | 0.01 |
Zinc | 0.01 |
Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds | 0.01 |
N,N-Dimethylformamide | 0.01 |
Propylene (Propene) | 0.01 |
Biphenyl | 0.01 |
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene | 0.01 |
Molybdenum trioxide | 0.01 |
Isobutyraldehyde | 0.01 |
Mercury | 0.01 |
Ethylene | 0.01 |
Vinyl acetate | 0.01 |
tert-Butyl alcohol | 0.00 |
Methyl isobutyl ketone | 0.00 |
m-Xylene | 0.00 |
Phenol | 0.00 |
Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate | 0.00 |
Toluenediisocyanate | 0.00 |
Methanol | 0.00 |
Dichloromethane | 0.00 |
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) | 0.00 |
Cyclohexane | 0.00 |
Chloroacetic acid | 0.00 |
2,4-Dimethylphenol | 0.00 |
Propargyl alcohol | 0.00 |
Vanadium compounds | 0.00 |
Carbonyl sulfide | 0.00 |
p-Cresol | 0.00 |
o-Cresol | 0.00 |
m-Cresol | 0.00 |
Carbon disulfide | 0.00 |
Methyl acrylate | 0.00 |
Formic acid | 0.00 |
Methyl methacrylate | 0.00 |
Chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC-22) | 0.00 |
Cresol (mixed isomers) | 0.00 |
CFC-11 (trichlorofluoromethane) | 0.00 |
1,2-Butylene oxide | 0.00 |
Chloroethane (Ethyl chloride) | 0.00 |
4,4'-Isopropylidenediphenol | 0.00 |
Anthracene | 0.00 |
Trichloroethylene | 0.00 |
Triethylamine | 0.00 |
Ozone | 0.00 |
Diphenylamine | 0.00 |
Nitrate compounds | 0.00 |
sec-Butyl alcohol | 0.00 |
Isoprene | 0.00 |
Aluminum oxide (fibrous forms) | 0.00 |
Nonylphenol | 0.00 |
Piperonyl butoxide | 0.00 |
1-Bromopropane | 0.00 |
C.I. Food Red 15 | 0.00 |
N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone | 0.00 |
Dimethylamine | 0.00 |
Dimethyl phthalate | 0.00 |
Butyraldehyde | 0.00 |
2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane | 0.00 |
Cyclohexanol | 0.00 |
Nonylphenol ethoxylates | 0.00 |
(click here to shrink list to only top 5 chemicals)
Top 5 chemicals from facilities
Facility | Parent Company | Chemical | Toxic Hazard |
NOV RIG SYSTEMS WEST LITTLE YORK | NOV Inc. | Chromium | 603,404.00 |
NOV RIG SYSTEMS WEST LITTLE YORK | NOV Inc. | Nickel | 243,775.00 |
SALZGITTER MANNESMANN STAINLESS TUBES USA | Salzgitter | Chromium | 92,695.70 |
WYMAN-GORDON FORGINGS LP | Berkshire Hathaway | Chromium | 1,877.94 |
(click here to expand list to all chemicals from facilities)