
United States Steel

Rank in Toxic 100 Air Polluters: 78
Rank among all TRI companies: 171
Air releases 2022 (lbs): 1,733,199
Incineration transfers 2022 (lbs): 4,528,288
Total Air and Incineration Toxic Score 2022: 267,057
EJ: Poor Share: 20%
EJ: Minority Share: 52%

You can also view this company's penalties in Violation Tracker.
You can also look at this company's state, local, and Federal subsidies in Subsidy Tracker.
This company is rank 49 on the Toxic 100 Water Polluters list.
This company is rank 29 on the Greenhouse 100 Polluters list.

Chemicals at facilities displayed below: (
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(Links on facility names lead to full TRI reports. Links on chemical names lead to New Jersey Right To Know Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets that have information on health effects.)
Split *
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Chromium compounds (except for chromite ore mined in the Transvaal Region of South Africa and the unreacted ore component of the chromite ore processing residue (COPR). COPR is the solid waste remaining after aqueous extraction of oxidized chromite ore that has been combined with soda ash and kiln roasted at approximately 2,000 F.) 640 0 50,272 18.82% 22.2% 68.9%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Cadmium compounds 115 0 48,757 18.26% 22.5% 69.3%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Benzene 30,419 7,846 25,708 9.63% 14.8% 26.4%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Hydrogen sulfide 317,761 13,555 24,631 9.22% 15.9% 27.7%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Arsenic compounds 31 0 23,445 8.78% 21.4% 68.0%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Polycyclic aromatic compounds 2,177 5,988 20,270 7.59% 17.5% 29.6%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Hydrogen sulfide 65,000 0 12,719 4.76% 24.4% 71.7%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Chromium compounds (except for chromite ore mined in the Transvaal Region of South Africa and the unreacted ore component of the chromite ore processing residue (COPR). COPR is the solid waste remaining after aqueous extraction of oxidized chromite ore that has been combined with soda ash and kiln roasted at approximately 2,000 F.) 98 0 10,742 4.02% 21.2% 44.0%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Manganese compounds 12,900 0 10,460 3.92% 22.5% 69.4%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Hydrogen cyanide 30,383 0 5,838 2.19% 15.7% 27.5%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Manganese compounds 3,970 0 4,838 1.81% 22.2% 43.8%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Nickel compounds 117 0 4,721 1.77% 20.7% 67.0%
US STEEL CORP MIDWEST PLANT PORTAGE IN Chromium compounds (except for chromite ore mined in the Transvaal Region of South Africa and the unreacted ore component of the chromite ore processing residue (COPR). COPR is the solid waste remaining after aqueous extraction of oxidized chromite ore that has been combined with soda ash and kiln roasted at approximately 2,000 F.) 14 0 3,900 1.46% 16.0% 50.1%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Naphthalene 7,703 6,436 3,309 1.24% 16.1% 28.0%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Chromium compounds (except for chromite ore mined in the Transvaal Region of South Africa and the unreacted ore component of the chromite ore processing residue (COPR). COPR is the solid waste remaining after aqueous extraction of oxidized chromite ore that has been combined with soda ash and kiln roasted at approximately 2,000 F.) 73 0 3,277 1.23% 19.2% 38.6%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Lead compounds 1,670 0 2,029 0.76% 21.6% 68.2%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Cyanide compounds 10,095 1 2,001 0.75% 15.8% 27.5%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Beryllium compounds 2 0 1,240 0.46% 22.7% 69.6%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Lead compounds 634 0 1,163 0.44% 20.8% 44.1%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Manganese compounds 2,247 0 1,069 0.40% 19.9% 39.7%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Hydrochloric acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size) 201,968 2,378 968 0.36% 14.2% 25.9%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Zinc compounds 69,000 0 556 0.21% 23.1% 70.0%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Nickel compounds 10 0 494 0.19% 21.0% 41.8%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Beryllium compounds 1 0 446 0.17% 17.2% 45.0%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Lead compounds 447 0 433 0.16% 20.2% 40.2%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Hydrochloric acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size) 54,360 0 273 0.10% 17.7% 63.2%
US STEEL CORP-FAIRFIELD WORKS FAIRFIELD AL Chromium 4 0 266 0.10% 16.2% 67.8%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 497 100 260 0.10% 17.3% 29.3%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - IRVIN PLANT WEST MIFFLIN PA Hydrochloric acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size) 47,253 0 239 0.09% 13.5% 25.3%
USS-UPI LLC PITTSBURG CA Chromium compounds (except for chromite ore mined in the Transvaal Region of South Africa and the unreacted ore component of the chromite ore processing residue (COPR). COPR is the solid waste remaining after aqueous extraction of oxidized chromite ore that has been combined with soda ash and kiln roasted at approximately 2,000 F.) 1 0 204 0.08% 11.5% 73.1%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Vanadium compounds 288 0 195 0.07% 21.2% 67.7%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Molybdenum trioxide 188 0 182 0.07% 22.4% 69.2%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Hydrochloric acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size) 17,670 0 167 0.06% 17.4% 45.0%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Sulfuric acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size) 1,700 0 162 0.06% 17.5% 63.0%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - IRVIN PLANT WEST MIFFLIN PA Benzene 206 0 161 0.06% 13.5% 25.3%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - IRVIN PLANT WEST MIFFLIN PA Nickel compounds 4 0 152 0.06% 13.9% 23.8%
US STEEL FAIRLESS HILLS WORKS FAIRLESS HILLS PA Nickel compounds 2 0 145 0.05% 11.1% 45.1%
PRO-TEC COATING CO LEIPSIC OH Nickel compounds 18 0 140 0.05% 11.9% 20.3% 50%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Hydrochloric acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size) 32,324 0 108 0.04% 13.6% 28.1%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Ammonia (includes anhydrous ammonia and aqueous ammonia from water dissociable ammonium salts and other sources; 10 percent of total aqueous ammonia is reportable under this listing) 302,335 56 94 0.04% 15.8% 27.5%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Mercury compounds 127 0 86 0.03% 21.9% 68.6%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Mercury compounds 130 0 82 0.03% 17.4% 45.0%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Ammonia (includes anhydrous ammonia and aqueous ammonia from water dissociable ammonium salts and other sources; 10 percent of total aqueous ammonia is reportable under this listing) 158,000 0 80 0.03% 22.8% 69.7%
US STEEL CORP MIDWEST PLANT PORTAGE IN Nickel 2 0 69 0.03% 16.8% 56.4%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Polycyclic aromatic compounds 4 5,480 65 0.02% 30.2% 79.9%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Barium compounds (except for barium sulfate (CAS No. 7727-43-7)) 195 0 59 0.02% 20.7% 67.0%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Vanadium compounds 57 0 55 0.02% 19.8% 44.4%
BIG RIVER STEEL LLC OSCEOLA AR Lead compounds 1,595 0 50 0.02% 19.9% 48.7%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Lead compounds 48 0 41 0.02% 15.4% 27.1%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Zinc compounds 4,080 0 38 0.01% 21.8% 43.9%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds (Manufacturing; and the processing or otherwise use of dioxin and dioxin like compounds if the dioxin and dioxin like compounds are present as contaminants in a chemical and if they were created during the manufacturing of that chemical.) 0 0 37 0.01% 17.5% 63.0%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Zinc compounds 7,838 0 32 0.01% 20.0% 39.9%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Phenol 42,675 37 28 0.01% 16.4% 28.3%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Thallium compounds 26 0 27 0.01% 22.9% 69.8%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Antimony compounds 31 0 26 0.01% 22.7% 69.6%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds (Manufacturing; and the processing or otherwise use of dioxin and dioxin like compounds if the dioxin and dioxin like compounds are present as contaminants in a chemical and if they were created during the manufacturing of that chemical.) 0 0 21 0.01% 17.3% 45.0%
BIG RIVER STEEL LLC OSCEOLA AR Nickel compounds 16 0 20 0.01% 19.8% 48.7%
BIG RIVER STEEL LLC OSCEOLA AR Manganese compounds 958 0 20 0.01% 20.7% 48.9%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Barium compounds (except for barium sulfate (CAS No. 7727-43-7)) 49 0 20 0.01% 18.2% 44.8%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Copper compounds (this category does not include copper phthalocyanine compounds that are substituted with only hydrogen, and/or chlorine, and/or bromine.) 275 0 18 0.01% 21.6% 68.2%
BIG RIVER STEEL LLC OSCEOLA AR Chromium compounds (except for chromite ore mined in the Transvaal Region of South Africa and the unreacted ore component of the chromite ore processing residue (COPR). COPR is the solid waste remaining after aqueous extraction of oxidized chromite ore that has been combined with soda ash and kiln roasted at approximately 2,000 F.) 10 0 17 0.01% 19.8% 48.7%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Vanadium compounds 36 0 16 0.01% 18.6% 37.3%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Ammonia (includes anhydrous ammonia and aqueous ammonia from water dissociable ammonium salts and other sources; 10 percent of total aqueous ammonia is reportable under this listing) 28,083 0 11 0.00% 21.2% 42.2%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Barium compounds (except for barium sulfate (CAS No. 7727-43-7)) 35 0 9 0.00% 19.7% 39.4%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Copper compounds (this category does not include copper phthalocyanine compounds that are substituted with only hydrogen, and/or chlorine, and/or bromine.) 66 0 9 0.00% 22.1% 44.0%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Biphenyl 261 201 9 0.00% 16.0% 27.8%
U.S. STEEL GRANITE CITY WORKS GRANITE CITY IL Ammonia (includes anhydrous ammonia and aqueous ammonia from water dissociable ammonium salts and other sources; 10 percent of total aqueous ammonia is reportable under this listing) 23,480 0 9 0.00% 17.3% 45.0%
BIG RIVER STEEL LLC OSCEOLA AR Aluminum (fume or dust) 8,130 0 8 0.00% 19.9% 48.7%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Carbon disulfide 33,279 42 7 0.00% 15.6% 27.3%
US STEEL CORP GREAT LAKES WORKS ECORSE MI Hydrochloric acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size) 970 0 6 0.00% 21.0% 49.6%
BIG RIVER STEEL LLC OSCEOLA AR Mercury compounds 313 0 5 0.00% 19.9% 48.7%
US STEEL CORP-FAIRFIELD WORKS FAIRFIELD AL Zinc compounds 413 0 4 0.00% 15.7% 70.1%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Copper compounds (this category does not include copper phthalocyanine compounds that are substituted with only hydrogen, and/or chlorine, and/or bromine.) 49 0 3 0.00% 20.3% 40.5%
BIG RIVER STEEL LLC OSCEOLA AR Zinc compounds 20,732 0 3 0.00% 19.9% 48.7%
DOUBLE G COATINGS CO LP JACKSON MS Zinc compounds 585 0 3 0.00% 12.0% 72.8% 50%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Ethylene 18,111 4,160,063 2 0.00% 14.9% 25.1%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Ethylbenzene 60 448 2 0.00% 15.2% 27.0%
US STEEL CORP MIDWEST PLANT PORTAGE IN Lead compounds 1 0 1 0.00% 16.1% 50.7%
BIG RIVER STEEL LLC OSCEOLA AR Vanadium compounds 57 0 1 0.00% 20.0% 48.8%
PRO-TEC COATING CO LEIPSIC OH Hydrochloric acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size) 599 0 1 0.00% 11.9% 20.3% 50%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - IRVIN PLANT WEST MIFFLIN PA Ethylene 43,148 0 1 0.00% 13.6% 25.4%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Methanol 80,526 68 1 0.00% 15.8% 27.6%
US STEEL CORP GREAT LAKES WORKS ECORSE MI Lead compounds 1 0 1 0.00% 21.0% 49.6%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Cresol (mixed isomers) 2,881 141 1 0.00% 16.7% 28.6%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Acetonitrile 361 35 1 0.00% 14.1% 25.8%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Mercury compounds 1 0 1 0.00% 15.6% 27.3%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Xylene (mixed isomers) 362 881 0 0.00% 15.0% 26.8%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - IRVIN PLANT WEST MIFFLIN PA Lead compounds 1 0 0 0.00% 13.5% 25.3%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Propylene 2,375 314,874 0 0.00% 15.3% 25.8%
BIG RIVER STEEL LLC OSCEOLA AR Copper compounds (this category does not include copper phthalocyanine compounds that are substituted with only hydrogen, and/or chlorine, and/or bromine.) 148 0 0 0.00% 19.9% 48.7%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Methanol 20,846 0 0 0.00% 21.7% 43.1%
US STEEL FAIRLESS HILLS WORKS FAIRLESS HILLS PA Lead compounds 0 0 0 0.00% 11.3% 44.9%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Pyridine 6 19 0 0.00% 15.4% 27.1%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0 0 0 0.00% 28.9% 78.1%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Selenium compounds 43 0 0 0.00% 22.6% 69.5%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Dicyclopentadiene 1 13 0 0.00% 14.1% 26.2%
US STEEL CORP-FAIRFIELD WORKS FAIRFIELD AL Manganese 1 0 0 0.00% 18.0% 59.5%
US STEEL CORP GREAT LAKES WORKS ECORSE MI Zinc compounds 47 0 0 0.00% 21.0% 49.6%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Toluene 8,496 1,641 0 0.00% 14.0% 25.7%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Mercury compounds 0 0 0 0.00% 15.6% 31.8%
PRO-TEC COATING CO LEIPSIC OH Ammonia (includes anhydrous ammonia and aqueous ammonia from water dissociable ammonium salts and other sources; 10 percent of total aqueous ammonia is reportable under this listing) 3,171 0 0 0.00% 11.8% 18.2% 50%
PRO-TEC COATING CO LEIPSIC OH Lead 1 0 0 0.00% 11.7% 17.2% 50%
US STEEL CORP MIDWEST PLANT PORTAGE IN Zinc compounds 29 0 0 0.00% 16.7% 55.8%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - IRVIN PLANT WEST MIFFLIN PA Zinc compounds 32 0 0 0.00% 13.5% 25.3%
USS GARY WORKS GARY IN Silver compounds 9 0 0 0.00% 21.1% 67.6%
DOUBLE G COATINGS CO LP JACKSON MS Lead compounds 0 0 0 0.00% 12.0% 72.8% 50%
US STEEL FAIRLESS HILLS WORKS FAIRLESS HILLS PA Zinc compounds 11 0 0 0.00% 11.3% 44.9%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Ethylene glycol 114 3,450 0 0.00% 16.0% 27.8%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Nitrate compounds (water dissociable; reportable only when in aqueous solution) 1,337 0 0 0.00% 15.8% 27.5%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Anthracene 335 622 0 0.00% 16.6% 28.6%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Styrene 255 85 0 0.00% 14.6% 26.5%
USS MON VALLEY WORKS - EDGAR THOMSON PLANT BRADDOCK PA Ethylene 1,640 0 0 0.00% 13.7% 28.4%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 460 0 0.00% 13.7% 25.4%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Phenanthrene 2,638 2,607 0 0.00% 0.0% 0.0%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA 2,4-Dimethylphenol 0 35 0 0.00% 0.0% 0.0%
USS-CLAIRTON PLANT CLAIRTON PA Dibenzofuran 700 726 0 0.00% 0.0% 0.0%

For explanations of most columns above, including the EJ Shares, see the technical notes.

The Greenhouse CO2e column shows the CO2 equivalent pounds released by this facility if the facility also exists in the Greenhouse 100 Polluters database

* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies for their parent company data, although the full pounds and score are displayed here.

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