

Rank in Toxic 100: 26
Rank among all TRI companies: 46
Air releases 2018 (lbs): 1,028,303
Incineration transfers 2018 (lbs): 0
Total Air and Incineration Toxic Score 2018: 1,481,713
Percentage of national total 2018 toxic air and incineration score: 0.4%
EJ: Poor Share: 14%
EJ: Minority Share: 26%

You can also view this company's penalties in Violation Tracker.
You can also look at this company's state, local, and Federal subsidies in Subsidy Tracker.
This company has information in PERI's Toxic Water database.

Chemicals displayed below: (
display facilities) (display chemicals at facilities)
Basic data displayed (display advanced data instead)
(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by revised incineration transfers.)
(Links on chemical names lead to New Jersey Right To Know Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets that have information on health effects.)
Manganese 3 0 1 0.00% 16.2% 33.2%
Nickel 513 0 24,782 1.67% 14.0% 28.1%
Chromium 550 0 43,099 2.91% 13.7% 30.2%
Cobalt 1,455 0 1,045,572 70.57% 14.2% 28.2%
Titanium tetrachloride 3,865 0 1 0.00% 6.8% 4.1%
Ammonia 990,000 0 611 0.04% 12.1% 35.1%
Hydrogen sulfide 2,020 0 288 0.02% 11.9% 34.6%
Chromium compounds 3,247 0 83,627 5.64% 16.3% 13.4%
Cobalt compounds 110 0 150,449 10.15% 12.0% 34.4%
Copper compounds 13,286 0 381 0.03% 16.4% 13.3%
Lead compounds 3 0 1 0.00% 16.2% 33.2%
Manganese compounds 6,222 0 1,485 0.10% 16.4% 13.3%
Nickel compounds 7,019 0 131,416 8.87% 16.3% 13.6%
Zinc compounds 10 0 0 0.00% 16.4% 13.3%

For explanations of most columns above, including the EJ Shares, see the technical notes.

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