
State: Illinois

2022 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions from combustion of all fossil fuels supplied (metric tons): 274,310,814
Percentage of national total 2022 supplier emissions: 5.6%
Top 3 Parent Companies(in descending order of emissions): Exxon Mobil, Foresight Energy, Marathon Petroleum

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Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by CO2 equivalent emissions (mt) descending.
Links on facility names lead to EPA FLIGHT reports or to Greenhouse 100 Coal Index displays for coal mines.)
Facility NameParentCO2 equivalent emissions (mt) down arrowSplit *CBI **Produced Oil CO2eImported Oil CO2eExported Oil CO2eNat. Gas CO2eNat. Gas Liquid CO2eCO2 GasCoal Liquid CO2eCoal CO2eCoal production (short tons)Coal type
EXXONMOBIL OIL JOLIET REFINERYExxon Mobil39,064,71839,064,71800000000
Robinson RefineryMarathon Petroleum36,166,41436,166,41400000000
NICOR GASSouthern Company27,093,87200027,093,87200000
WRB Refining LP Wood River RefineryCenovus Energy20,965,84150%Yes20,965,84100000000
WRB Refining LP Wood River RefineryPhillips 6620,965,84150%Yes20,965,84100000000
Lemont RefineryPDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)20,675,52120,675,52100000000
Mach #1 MineForesight Energy16,741,346000000016,741,3467,715,724bituminous
Lively Grove MinePrairie State Energy Campus (facility)14,198,749000000014,198,7496,543,896bituminous
MC#1 MineForesight Energy12,103,986000000012,103,9865,578,465bituminous
Mine No. 1Alliance Resource Partners10,183,275000000010,183,2754,693,251bituminous
Ameren IllinoisAmeren9,748,7090009,748,70900000
Deer Run MineForesight Energy9,697,18600000009,697,1864,469,223bituminous
Prairie Eagle-UndergroundCBR Investments9,268,51800000009,268,5184,271,659bituminous
The Peoples Gas Light and Coke CompanyWEC Energy Group9,125,3200009,125,32000000
AUX SABLE LIQUID PRODUCTS INCAux Sable Companies6,680,63700006,680,6370000
Gateway North MinePeabody Energy Corporation5,164,47400000005,164,4742,380,194bituminous
Viper MineKnight Hawk Holdings, LLC2,079,10200000002,079,102958,213bituminous
North Shore Gas CompanyWEC Energy Group1,949,1300001,949,13000000
Golden Eagle MineCBR Investments858,5500000000858,550395,687bituminous
Friendsville MineResponsible Energy Ventures LLC795,1100000000795,110366,449bituminous
Hawkeye MineCBR Investments185,7650000000185,76585,615bituminous
Liberty Utilities - Virden OfficeAlgonquin Power & Utilities145,267000145,26700000
Old Ed #21The Steve Carter Family Trust143,5110000000143,51166,141bituminous
Cairo Public UtilityCity of Cairo, IL65,79300065,79300000
Village of MortonVillage of Morton, IL63,19400063,19400000
Jo-Carroll Energy, Inc.JO-CARROLL ENERGY, INC. (NFP)57,84400057,84400000
SHM-30David Michael Jamison; Petri E Koivula48,518000000048,51822,361bituminous
BCR Mine #1Josh J Carter; Steve A Carter11,231000000011,2315,176bituminous
Red HawkCBR Investments3,46300000003,4631,596bituminous
Alto Pekin, LLCAlto Ingredients0Yes000000000
Alto ICP, LLCAlto Ingredients0Yes000000000
East Dubuque Nitrogen Fertilizers, LLCIcahn Enterprises0Yes000000000
Archer Daniels Midland Co.Archer Daniels Midland0Yes000000000
3M CORDOVA3M Company0000000000
G & W Electric CompanyG & W Electric0000000000
S&C Electric CompanyS&C Electric Company0000000000
Lenz Sales & Dist., Inc.LENZ SALES & DISTRIBUTING INC0000000000
Siemens Industry, Inc.Siemens0000000000
MEK Chemical CorporationMEK CHEMICAL CORP0000000000
Eagle River Mine No 1Responsible Energy Ventures LLC0000000000bituminous
Black HawkCBR Investments0000000000bituminous
For more information on the data, see the technical notes.
* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.
** CBI: if Yes appears in this column, then one or more of the supplier CO2 amounts for the facility (excluding imports and exports) have been treated as confidential by EPA. Amounts that EPA has declared to be confidential are treated as zeroes. If there are confidential amounts, the actual supplier emissions would be larger than shown. Petroleum exports are not included as supplier amounts (we assume that they were also reported as production if they were produced in the US.)

PERI press release for Illinois

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