
State: Colorado

2022 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions from combustion of all fossil fuels supplied (metric tons): 79,112,991
Percentage of national total 2022 supplier emissions: 1.6%
Top 3 Parent Companies(in descending order of emissions): Kinder Morgan, Xcel Energy, Suncor Energy

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Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by CO2 equivalent emissions (mt) descending.
Links on facility names lead to EPA FLIGHT reports or to Greenhouse 100 Coal Index displays for coal mines.)
Facility NameParentCO2 equivalent emissions (mt) down arrowSplit *CBI **Produced Oil CO2eImported Oil CO2eExported Oil CO2eNat. Gas CO2eNat. Gas Liquid CO2eCO2 GasCoal Liquid CO2eCoal CO2eCoal production (short tons)Coal type
Cortez CO2 Production AreaKinder Morgan15,838,0200000015,838,020000
Public Service Company of ColoradoXcel Energy14,567,53100014,567,53100000
SUNCOR ENERGY (USA) COMMERCE CITY REFINERYSuncor Energy12,732,27712,732,27700000000
West Elk MineArch Resources9,450,87400000009,450,8744,355,703bituminous
Deserado MineDeseret Generation & Transmission Cooperative3,879,97800000003,879,9781,788,198bituminous
Foidel Creek MinePeabody Energy Corporation3,333,08800000003,333,0881,536,148bituminous
Summit Utilities Inc., Arkansas (Arkansas)JPMorgan Chase3,301,7940003,301,79400000
Colowyo MineTri-State Generation & Transmission Association2,863,24900000002,863,2491,685,454subbituminous
Colorado Springs Utilities - Natural Gas Local Distribution CompanyCOLORADO SPRINGS UTILITIES2,589,2250002,589,22500000
Trapper MineMidAmerican Energy Holdings Company; Platte River Power Authority; Salt River Project; Tri-State Generation2,430,53900000002,430,5391,430,739subbituminous
ADDCAR SYSTEM 16Daniel W Bunn1,749,04200000001,749,0421,029,575subbituminous
Black Hills Colorado Gas, Inc. dba Black Hills EnergyBlack Hills Corp.1,638,5620001,638,56200000
King IIGrupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC)1,016,60200000001,016,602468,530bituminous
Summit Utilities Inc., OklahomaJPMorgan Chase675,506000675,50600000
Mi Vida PortalsAllegiance Coal498,0290000000498,029229,531bituminous
Ignacio Gas PlantHilcorp Energy495,2430000495,2430000
GREELEY GAS PLANTPhillips 66360,7490000360,7490000
ADDCAR System 40 HWM Serial No. 23040Daniel W Bunn323,7030000000323,703190,548subbituminous
OXY USA - SHEEP MTN CO2 FACILITYOccidental Petroleum257,99500000257,995000
Fort Lupton Compressor StationWestern Midstream Partners200,4310000200,4310000
Summit Natural Gas of MaineJPMorgan Chase199,559000199,55900000
Summit Natural Gas of MissouriJPMorgan Chase189,961000189,96100000
SPINDLE GAS PROCESSING PLANTPhillips 66173,1800000173,1800000
Colorado Natural Gas, Inc.JPMorgan Chase134,724000134,72400000
MESSER LLC CORTEZ PLANTMesser Group70,3080000070,308000
Summit Utilities Inc., Arkansas (Texas)JPMorgan Chase67,06400067,06400000
FORT MORGAN CITY OFCity of Fort Morgan, CO39,67300039,67300000
BARGATH, INC.- PARACHUTEWilliams Companies0Yes000000000
Wattenberg Gas PlantWestern Midstream Partners0Yes000000000
UGC - DRAGON TRAIL GAS PLANT - 08-103-00036Utah Gas Corp.0Yes000000000
FRONT RANGE ENERGYFront Range Energy0Yes000000000
DCP Midstream, LPPhillips 660000000000
Refrigerants IncRefrigerants Inc.0000000000
For more information on the data, see the technical notes.
* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.
** CBI: if Yes appears in this column, then one or more of the supplier CO2 amounts for the facility (excluding imports and exports) have been treated as confidential by EPA. Amounts that EPA has declared to be confidential are treated as zeroes. If there are confidential amounts, the actual supplier emissions would be larger than shown. Petroleum exports are not included as supplier amounts (we assume that they were also reported as production if they were produced in the US.)

PERI press release for Colorado

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