

Rank in Greenhouse 100: 21
2019 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions (metric tons): 24,549,906
Percentage of national total 2019 GHGRP large fixed source emissions: 0.9%
Percentage of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, including transportation and residential: 0.4%
Parent company sectors (in descending order of emissions): Refineries, Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems, Chemicals, Power Plants, Waste, Other
EJ: Poor Share: 14%
EJ: Minority Share: 67%

You can also view this company's penalties in Good Jobs First's Violation Tracker.
You can also look at this company's subsidies in Good Jobs First's Subsidy Tracker.
This company is rank 38 on the Toxic 100 Air list.
This company is rank 31 on the Toxic 100 Water list.

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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by percent of total company emissions.)
(Links on facility names lead to FLIGHT reports. Links on cities lead to Mapquest maps.)
Split *
Chevron Pascagoula Refinery Pascagoula MS 4,854,786 4,800,972 39,474 14,340 0 0 19.78% 47,434 54.3% 43.4% 8.3% 21.4% 41.6% 28,596
CHEVRON PRODS.CO. RICHMOND REFY RICHMOND CA 4,521,943 4,507,609 6,902 7,433 0 0 18.42% 662,629 55.3% 9.2% 22.2% 11.7% 24.8% 265,771
CHEVRON PRODUCTS EL SEGUNDO REFINERY EL SEGUNDO CA 3,345,879 3,332,557 7,220 6,102 0 0 13.63% 1,876,134 75.2% 19.8% 40.5% 15.2% 33.4% 498,723
San Joaquin Basin Gathering & Boosting - Chevron USA Inc. San Ramon CA 2,429,711 2,405,533 22,863 1,314 0 0 9.90% 607,414 60.1% 7.8% 19.6% 6.6% 14.7%
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP Cedar Bayou Plant Baytown TX 2,111,666 2,090,019 11,224 10,423 0 0 8.60% 146,009 58.9% 15.0% 40.5% 14.0% 30.6%
Chevron MCA 430 Permian Basin Gathering and Boosting San Ramon CA 735,116 657,515 77,251 350 0 0 2.99% 720,975 58.6% 11.2% 20.7% 8.3% 18.1%
PASADENA REFINING SYSTEM PASADENA TX 518,989 514,084 3,254 1,652 0 0 2.11% 886,262 84.7% 19.2% 62.3% 20.1% 44.7% 52,209
CHEVRON PHILLIPS - SWEENY COMPLEX Sweeny TX 1,007,534 994,917 6,953 5,664 0 0 2.05% 50% 24,116 32.9% 8.5% 23.2% 11.4% 29.7%
CHEVRON PRODUCTS CO - SALT LAKE REFINERY SALT LAKE CITY UT 493,031 488,635 2,886 1,510 0 0 2.01% 426,659 33.7% 2.6% 21.0% 13.1% 30.3% 153,551
Basin 540 Denver Julesburg - G&B Houston TX 490,898 384,061 106,650 187 0 0 2.00% 1,095,599 68.1% 19.2% 38.6% 13.1% 32.9%
Chevron MCA 430 Permian Basin San Ramon CA 431,066 383,383 46,800 883 0 0 1.76% 0 ** ** ** ** **
Kern River Cogeneration Facility BAKERSFIELD CA 417,899 417,471 196 233 0 0 1.70% 373,332 65.0% 6.5% 53.4% 24.4% 48.9%
SYCAMORE COGENERATION Facility BAKERSFIELD CA 417,480 417,051 196 233 0 0 1.70% 373,332 65.0% 6.5% 53.4% 24.4% 48.9%
CHEVRON PHILLIPS CHEMICAL COMPANY LP PORT ARTHUR PLANT PORT ARTHUR TX 820,909 812,961 3,890 4,058 0 0 1.67% 50% 103,284 55.2% 22.5% 25.8% 18.6% 38.9%
AMERICAS STYRENICS LLC - ST JAMES PLANT ST. JAMES LA 709,022 707,424 518 1,081 0 0 1.44% 50% 36,663 59.9% 51.5% 4.6% 20.1% 38.1%
Basin 540 Denver Julesburg - Noble Energy Inc. Houston TX 342,510 265,268 76,982 260 0 0 1.40% 0 ** ** ** ** **
Rosetta Resources 220 Gulf Coast Basin Gathering and Boosting Houston TX 333,464 295,148 38,165 151 0 0 1.36% 1,397,275 74.7% 21.0% 46.9% 21.1% 42.8%
Noble Midstream Services - Permian Basin 430 Houston TX 258,619 232,883 25,621 115 0 0 1.05% 878 60.6% 0.0% 43.5% 15.4% 35.2%
Noble Energy Inc. - Permian Basin 430 Houston TX 244,080 219,167 24,633 281 0 0 0.99% 0 ** ** ** ** **
Coastal Basin Gathering & Boosting - Chevron USA Inc. San Ramon CA 229,051 226,559 2,368 124 0 0 0.93% 720,975 58.6% 11.2% 20.7% 8.3% 18.1%
Salinas River Cogeneration Facility SAN ARDO CA 220,914 220,689 103 122 0 0 0.90% 1,974 39.3% 1.5% 35.6% 12.6% 40.7%
Chevron 160A Appalachian Basin Coraopolis PA 152,318 78,171 73,964 183 0 0 0.62% 0 ** ** ** ** **
Chevron Oronite Oak Point Belle Chasse LA 143,224 143,076 68 80 0 0 0.58% 286,961 58.3% 42.8% 9.8% 18.3% 38.0% 129
Green Canyon 641 Offshore LA 118,080 110,327 7,631 123 0 0 0.48% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Viosca Knoll 786 A Offshore LA 115,587 79,341 36,200 46 0 0 0.24% 50% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Dollarhide Gas Plant Andrews TX 54,934 54,383 522 29 0 0 0.22% 1,322 61.3% 2.2% 58.9% 11.4% 32.5%
Walker Ridge 29 (Big Foot) Offshore LA 54,486 50,091 4,345 50 0 0 0.22% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Rosetta Resources 220 Gulf Coast Basin Houston TX 47,167 40,495 6,587 85 0 0 0.19% 0 ** ** ** ** **
Green Canyon 205 A Offshore LA 44,712 29,302 15,389 21 0 0 0.18% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Basin 540 Denver Julesburg - NBL Midstream Holdings LLC Houston TX 42,242 38,736 3,488 19 0 0 0.17% 1,095,599 68.1% 19.2% 38.6% 13.1% 32.9%
Mississippi Canyon 650 A Offshore LA 39,587 32,805 6,742 39 0 0 0.16% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Keota Gas Plant Keota CO 37,327 34,975 2,339 12 0 0 0.15% 3,231 17.7% 0.2% 16.1% 6.2% 29.2%
Chevron MCA 595 Piceance Basin Gathering and Boosting San Ramon CA 31,559 22,842 8,704 13 0 0 0.13% 720,975 58.6% 11.2% 20.7% 8.3% 18.1%
Chevron MCA 260 East Texas Basin Gathering and Boosting San Ramon CA 26,935 8,240 18,691 4 0 0 0.11% 720,975 58.6% 11.2% 20.7% 8.3% 18.1%
Chevron MCA 260 East Texas Basin San Ramon CA 18,924 1,390 17,532 2 0 0 0.08% 0 ** ** ** ** **
745 San Joaquin Basin Chevron USA Inc. San Ramon CA 13,571 8,503 5,049 19 0 0 0.06% 0 ** ** ** ** **
Chevron MCA 360 Anadarko Basin San Ramon CA 1,214 1 1,213 0 0 0 0.00% 0 ** ** ** ** **
Coalinga Cogeneration Facility COALINGA CA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 18,095 70.0% 2.9% 60.0% 16.2% 33.7%
Sargent Canyon Cogeneration Facility San Ardo CA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 1,974 39.3% 1.5% 35.6% 12.6% 40.7%

For more information on the data, see the technical notes.

* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

** This facility's emissions are nonlocal -- released in a widespread area. So it is not meaningful to look at the characteristics of the population living within 10 miles of the facility address for copollutant effects.

*** Biogenic CO2 has not been included within the emissions totals anywhere else in this application.

**** "Other emissions" include HFCs, NF3, PFC, SF6, and other fluorinated gases.

The Toxic Air score column shows the facility's total chronic human health air toxicity score if the facility also exists in the Toxic 100 Air database.

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