

2019 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions (metric tons): 548,580
Parent company sectors (in descending order of emissions): Other, Metals
EJ: Poor Share: 18%
EJ: Minority Share: 42%

You can also view this company's penalties in Good Jobs First's Violation Tracker.
You can also look at this company's subsidies in Good Jobs First's Subsidy Tracker.
This company is rank 59 on the Toxic 100 Air list.
This company has information in PERI's Toxic Water database.

Facilities displayed below: (
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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by percent of total company emissions.)
(Links on facility names lead to FLIGHT reports. Links on cities lead to Mapquest maps.)
Split *
FCA STERLING HEIGHTS ASSEMBLY PLANT STERLING HTS MI 96,680 96,580 46 54 0 0 17.62% 1,104,251 26.7% 15.2% 2.6% 11.2% 26.6% 6,642
FCA TOLEDO ASSEMBLY COMPLEX TOLEDO OH 86,820 86,731 41 49 0 0 15.83% 391,528 31.7% 19.4% 7.5% 19.5% 39.4% 1,176
FCA WARREN TRUCK ASSEMBLY PLANT WARREN MI 85,134 85,046 40 48 0 0 15.52% 1,282,798 54.0% 43.7% 3.4% 21.6% 41.6% 6,634
FCA JEFFERSON NORTH ASSEMBLY PLANT DETROIT MI 80,573 80,490 38 45 0 0 14.69% 734,853 64.1% 50.7% 7.2% 28.1% 50.7% 2,323
FCA Belvidere Assembly Plant Belvidere IL 72,129 72,054 34 41 0 0 13.15% 147,525 29.8% 7.6% 16.3% 10.9% 28.6% 902
FCA Chrysler Technology Center Auburn Hills MI 48,102 48,052 23 27 0 0 8.77% 591,120 27.2% 9.9% 5.5% 8.6% 19.9%
FCA KOKOMO CASTING PLANT KOKOMO IN 34,484 34,449 16 19 0 0 6.29% 85,949 14.2% 7.4% 3.2% 14.9% 34.4% 600
FCA KOKOMO TRANSMISSION PLANT KOKOMO IN 20,414 20,393 10 11 0 0 3.72% 85,949 14.2% 7.4% 3.2% 14.9% 34.4%
FCA STERLING STAMPING PLANT STERLING HEIGHTS MI 9,223 9,214 4 5 0 0 1.68% 1,124,735 30.1% 19.0% 2.5% 12.1% 28.5% 8
FCA WARREN STAMPING PLANT WARREN MI 6,195 6,188 3 4 0 0 1.13% 1,306,034 53.0% 43.1% 2.9% 21.0% 40.8% 2
FCA Warren PDC Warren MI 5,848 5,842 3 3 0 0 1.07% 1,259,965 54.1% 43.6% 3.7% 21.8% 42.1%
FCA Detroit Assembly Complex - Mack Detroit MI 2,574 2,571 1 1 0 0 0.47% 817,871 62.0% 49.2% 6.6% 27.2% 49.6%
FCA STERLING HEIGHTS VEHICLE TEST CENTER STERLING HEIGHTS MI 405 404 0 0 0 0 0.07% 1,112,815 27.6% 16.3% 2.6% 11.4% 27.0%

For more information on the data, see the technical notes.

* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

*** Biogenic CO2 has not been included within the emissions totals anywhere else in this application.

**** "Other emissions" include HFCs, NF3, PFC, SF6, and other fluorinated gases.

The Toxic Air score column shows the facility's total chronic human health air toxicity score if the facility also exists in the Toxic 100 Air database.

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