
Royal Dutch Shell

Rank in Greenhouse 100: 26
2018 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions (metric tons): 22,115,708
Percentage of national total 2018 GHGRP large fixed source emissions: 0.7%
Percentage of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, including transportation and residential: 0.3%
Parent company sectors (in descending order of emissions): Refineries, Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems, Chemicals, Other
EJ: Poor Share: 15%
EJ: Minority Share: 65%

You can also view this company's penalties in Good Jobs First's Violation Tracker.
You can also look at this company's subsidies in Good Jobs First's Subsidy Tracker.
This company is rank 10 on the Toxic 100 Air list.
This company has information in PERI's Toxic Water database.

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(Links on facility names lead to FLIGHT reports. Links on cities lead to Mapquest maps.)
Split *
SHELL DEER PARK REFINERY DEER PARK TX 4,184,028 4,154,899 18,095 11,034 0 0 18.92% 648,926 77.4% 10.6% 63.0% 17.9% 42.1%
Norco Manufacturing Complex Norco LA 3,901,231 3,821,971 48,797 30,463 0 0 17.64% 130,284 54.2% 36.6% 14.3% 15.7% 33.1% 323,154
SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US - MARTINEZ REFINERY MARTINEZ CA 3,307,401 3,283,892 18,868 4,641 0 0 14.95% 530,883 51.7% 7.2% 22.2% 8.8% 20.8% 56,897
CONVENT REFINERY CONVENT LA 2,165,013 2,153,286 5,682 6,046 0 0 9.79% 47,687 53.1% 45.5% 4.6% 18.2% 34.1% 116,800
SHELL PUGET SOUND REFINERY ANACORTES WA 1,988,644 1,977,810 6,447 4,387 0 0 8.99% 43,846 18.4% 0.8% 10.5% 11.4% 24.3% 31,785
Aera Energy Belridge McKittrick CA 1,573,360 1,571,736 741 883 0 0 7.11% 1,045 16.3% 0.2% 11.4% 22.8% 39.4%
SHELL CHEMICAL CO - GEISMAR PLANT GEISMAR LA 980,823 979,741 438 643 0 0 4.43% 106,730 37.0% 28.2% 5.0% 11.3% 24.3% 1,783,867
Aera Energy San Ardo San Ardo CA 419,021 418,588 197 235 0 0 1.89% 1,998 44.1% 1.4% 40.1% 16.3% 41.3%
Permian Operations - Shell Exploration & Production Company Houston TX 397,294 327,659 69,290 345 0 0 1.80% 0 ** ** ** ** **
SHELL CHEMICAL COMPANY SARALAND AL 395,873 392,983 1,704 1,186 0 0 1.79% 179,383 56.7% 52.2% 2.0% 23.0% 43.7% 11,081
Aera Energy MOCO Maricopa CA 266,613 266,338 126 150 0 0 1.21% 20,642 46.0% 0.8% 40.2% 25.9% 50.4%
MC 809 A Offshore LA 227,549 221,851 5,517 180 0 0 1.03% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Aera Energy Coalinga Coalinga CA 218,493 218,268 103 122 0 0 0.99% 17,791 70.8% 3.3% 59.5% 16.7% 32.1%
AC 857 A Offshore TX 214,869 208,979 5,721 168 0 0 0.97% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Aera Energy Lost Hills McKittrick CA 209,049 208,834 98 117 0 0 0.95% 1,045 16.3% 0.2% 11.4% 22.8% 39.4%
SWEPI LP (Shell) Appalachian Basin (Eastern Overthrust Area) 160A GB Houston TX 178,583 98,395 80,133 55 0 0 0.81% 1,462,261 71.6% 16.9% 41.7% 16.5% 37.8%
MC 807 A Offshore LA 170,439 164,073 6,225 141 0 0 0.77% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Aera Energy 25 Hill Maricopa CA 165,390 165,220 78 92 0 0 0.75% 20,642 46.0% 0.8% 40.2% 25.9% 50.4%
Aera Energy Anderson Fitzgerald McKittrick CA 130,327 130,193 61 73 0 0 0.59% 1,045 16.3% 0.2% 11.4% 22.8% 39.4%
MC 807 B Offshore LA 123,193 115,680 7,369 145 0 0 0.56% 0 -- -- -- -- --
SWEPI LP (Shell) Appalachian Basin (Eastern Overthrust Area) 160A Sewickley PA 109,762 31,719 78,018 24 0 0 0.50% 0 ** ** ** ** **
MC 437 Offshore LA 100,909 100,564 102 243 0 0 0.46% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Aera Energy Alberta Finley Shale Fellows CA 90,116 90,023 43 51 0 0 0.41% 16,994 40.9% 0.4% 35.5% 28.5% 53.3%
GB 426 A Offshore LA 82,406 75,474 6,825 107 0 0 0.37% 0 -- -- -- -- --
WR-551A Offshore LA 76,055 70,681 5,238 136 0 0 0.34% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Nakika MMS Platform ID 02481 Complex ID 1001-1 Offshore LA 149,533 143,512 5,874 148 0 0 0.34% 50% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Aera Energy Penn Zier Coalinga CA 74,435 74,358 35 42 0 0 0.34% 13,150 68.3% 3.6% 58.8% 20.2% 39.6%
Aera Energy San Joaquin G and B Bakersfield CA 61,413 35,765 25,633 16 0 0 0.28% 13,001 61.8% 3.7% 35.6% 3.1% 19.1%
Criterion Catalysts and Technologies L.P. Port Allen LA 46,770 46,722 22 26 0 0 0.21% 263,075 64.3% 57.9% 3.1% 23.3% 43.1% 102,878
Aera Energy Metson Maricopa CA 45,440 45,392 22 26 0 0 0.21% 20,642 46.0% 0.8% 40.2% 25.9% 50.4%
Aera Energy San Joaquin Basin Bakersfield CA 26,803 16,186 10,580 38 0 0 0.12% 0 ** ** ** ** **
WESTHOLLOW TECHNOLOGY CENTER HOUSTON TX 23,697 23,672 11 13 23,648 0 0.11% 1,337,241 70.9% 18.2% 36.0% 15.5% 35.2%
Aera Energy Buena Fe Maricopa CA 22,455 22,432 11 13 0 0 0.10% 20,642 46.0% 0.8% 40.2% 25.9% 50.4%
GB 128 A Offshore LA 22,021 17,985 4,013 23 0 0 0.10% 0 -- -- -- -- --
Aera Energy Calso McKittrick CA 17,237 17,219 8 10 0 0 0.08% 1,045 16.3% 0.2% 11.4% 22.8% 39.4%
Aera Energy Lockwood Maricopa CA 12,459 12,446 6 7 0 0 0.06% 20,642 46.0% 0.8% 40.2% 25.9% 50.4%
ST ROSE FACILITY ST ROSE LA 9,406 9,209 176 21 0 0 0.04% 263,374 41.7% 21.5% 15.8% 13.9% 30.9% 87
Aera Energy Coastal G and B San Ardo CA 2,365 110 2,255 0 0 0 0.01% 1,998 44.1% 1.4% 40.1% 16.3% 41.3%

For more information on the data, see the technical notes.

* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

** This facility's emissions are nonlocal -- released in a widespread area. So it is not meaningful to look at the characteristics of the population living within 10 miles of the facility address for copollutant effects.

*** Biogenic CO2 has not been included within the emissions totals anywhere else in this application.

**** "Other emissions" include HFCs, NF3, PFC, SF6, and other fluorinated gases.

The Toxic Air score column shows the facility's total chronic human health air toxicity score if the facility also exists in the Toxic 100 Air database.

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