Greenhouse 100 Polluters Detailed Company Reports
Choose from the Greenhouse 100 Polluters sorted by ranking:
None selected
1. Southern Company
2. Duke Energy
3. American Electric Power
4. NRG Energy
5. Berkshire Hathaway
6. Dynegy
7. U.S. Government
8. Xcel Energy
9. FirstEnergy
10. Calpine
11. Energy Future Holdings
12. NextEra Energy
13. Exxon Mobil
14. Dominion Energy
15. DTE Energy
16. PPL Corp.
17. Entergy
18. WEC Energy Group
19. Riverstone Holdings
20. Koch Industries
21. Ameren
22. Phillips 66
23. AES Corp.
24. ArcelorMittal
25. Great Plains Energy
26. Valero Energy
27. Chevron
28. CMS Energy
29. BP
30. United States Steel
31. Marathon Petroleum
32. Pinnacle West Capital
33. Plant Scherer (facility)
34. Engie
35. Royal Dutch Shell
36. OGE Energy
37. Westar Energy
38. DowDuPont
39. Colstrip Energy LP
40. Santee Cooper
41. CF Industries
42. Emera
43. Basin Electric Power Cooperative
44. Associated Electric Cooperative Inc
45. Andeavor
46. Navajo Generating Station (single power plant)
47. Waste Management
48. LS Power
49. LafargeHolcim
50. Archer Daniels Midland
51. Murray Energy
52. Air Products & Chemicals
53. Laramie River (single power plant)
54. Scana
55. Omaha Public Power District
56. NiSource
57. Macquarie
58. Lower Colorado River Authority
59. San Antonio Public Service Board
60. Great River Energy
61. Republic Services
62. Ares Management
63. JEA
64. Intermountain Power Agency
65. Alcoa
66. Prairie State Generating
67. Alliant Energy
68. Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association
69. Fortis
71. Conemaugh Generating Station (single power plant)
72. Williams Companies
73. Public Service Enterprise
74. HeidelbergCement
75. San Juan Generating Station (single power plant)
76. JM Stuart (single power plant)
77. Nebraska Public Power District
78. PBF Energy
79. Salt River Project
80. Saudi Aramco
81. Keystone Generating Station (single power plant)
82. Ohio Valley Electric
83. Energy Transfer
84. Cemex
85. Homer City Holdings LLC.
86. Allete
87. Kinder Morgan
88. Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, Inc.
89. LyondellBasell Industries
90. PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)
91. Seminole Electric Cooperative
92. AK Steel
93. ConocoPhillips
94. Chemours
95. East Kentucky Power Cooperative
96. Enterprise Products Partners
97. Eastman Chemical
98. Occidental Petroleum
99. Praxair
100. Exelon
Or from a list of the Greenhouse 100 Polluters sorted by name:
None selected
23. AES Corp.
52. Air Products & Chemicals
92. AK Steel
65. Alcoa
86. Allete
67. Alliant Energy
21. Ameren
3. American Electric Power
45. Andeavor
24. ArcelorMittal
50. Archer Daniels Midland
62. Ares Management
44. Associated Electric Cooperative Inc
43. Basin Electric Power Cooperative
5. Berkshire Hathaway
29. BP
10. Calpine
84. Cemex
41. CF Industries
94. Chemours
27. Chevron
28. CMS Energy
39. Colstrip Energy LP
71. Conemaugh Generating Station (single power plant)
93. ConocoPhillips
14. Dominion Energy
38. DowDuPont
15. DTE Energy
2. Duke Energy
6. Dynegy
95. East Kentucky Power Cooperative
97. Eastman Chemical
42. Emera
11. Energy Future Holdings
83. Energy Transfer
34. Engie
17. Entergy
96. Enterprise Products Partners
100. Exelon
13. Exxon Mobil
9. FirstEnergy
69. Fortis
25. Great Plains Energy
60. Great River Energy
74. HeidelbergCement
85. Homer City Holdings LLC.
64. Intermountain Power Agency
63. JEA
76. JM Stuart (single power plant)
81. Keystone Generating Station (single power plant)
87. Kinder Morgan
20. Koch Industries
49. LafargeHolcim
53. Laramie River (single power plant)
58. Lower Colorado River Authority
48. LS Power
89. LyondellBasell Industries
57. Macquarie
31. Marathon Petroleum
51. Murray Energy
46. Navajo Generating Station (single power plant)
77. Nebraska Public Power District
12. NextEra Energy
56. NiSource
4. NRG Energy
98. Occidental Petroleum
36. OGE Energy
82. Ohio Valley Electric
55. Omaha Public Power District
78. PBF Energy
90. PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)
22. Phillips 66
32. Pinnacle West Capital
33. Plant Scherer (facility)
16. PPL Corp.
66. Prairie State Generating
99. Praxair
73. Public Service Enterprise
61. Republic Services
19. Riverstone Holdings
35. Royal Dutch Shell
79. Salt River Project
59. San Antonio Public Service Board
75. San Juan Generating Station (single power plant)
40. Santee Cooper
80. Saudi Aramco
54. Scana
91. Seminole Electric Cooperative
1. Southern Company
88. Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, Inc.
68. Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association
7. U.S. Government
30. United States Steel
26. Valero Energy
47. Waste Management
18. WEC Energy Group
37. Westar Energy
72. Williams Companies
8. Xcel Energy
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