Databases used by Rich Puchalsky

This is now a sample list, about a decade old. Since then I have added many more international databases about greenhouse gas sources and corporate penalties for violations.

Database name Description
1605(b) EIA database Database of voluntary actions taken to reduce emissions of Greenhouse gases
33/50 project data set Data about commitments made under EPA's voluntary 33/50 emissions reduction program
Acid Rain ETS data Collected for EPA's Clean Air Market programs, these Emissions Tracking System data detail CO2, NOx, and SO2 emissions
ARIP database Accidental Releases Information Program; survey of facilities with major accidents involving air releases of toxic chemicals
BRS database (part of RCRAInfo) Biennial Reporting System; database of hazardous waste generation, transfer, treatment, and disposal quantities. Now part of RCRAInfo.
U.S. Census data set Database of U.S. demographic and economic data from 1990 through 2020 U.S. census
CERCLIS database CERCLA Information System; database of information about Superfund and potential Superfund sites
CRP's PAC data set Database of PAC contributions to politicians from Center for Responsive Politics
DOCKET database (ICIS) Database of enforcement actions and civil court cases brought by EPA (or the Department of Justice on its behalf) against corporations and governments. Now called ICIS.
EGRID database Database of electric power generation and CO2, SO2, and NOx emissions from power plants. Incorporates EPA's CEM database and various EIA databases from the Deptment of Energy.
EIA energy data The Department of Energy has various databases, such as the EIA-767 and EIA-906, that describe electric power plants, their fule use and electricity generation, and their polltion
EMCI database Environmental Master Chemical Integrator; EPA database used in Envirofacts linking chemical names from different databases together
ERNS database Environmental Response and Notification System; database of phone calls made to the National Response Center about chemical accidents and oil spills
FAADS database Database of U.S. Federal government grants and other assistance
FPDS database Database of U.S. Federal government contracts
FINDS database Facility Indexing System; database linking facility records from different databases together. Later replaced by Facility Integration Initiative and then FRS Facility Registry System.
GHG database EPA Greenhouse Gas data for emissions from large point sources.
HMDA database Home Mortgage Disclosure Act database of home mortgage loan applications, used to study redlining
IRIS database Integrated Risk Information System; database of EPA peer-reviewed chemical health effect data
LANDVIEW mapping program LANDVIEW, a free mapping program, contains useful geographic databases about EPA-regulated and other suites, as well as political and geographic boundaries
Massachusetts TURA data Massachusetts Toxic Use Reduction Act data on chemical use, waste generation, releases, and toxic chemicals in products
MPG database Collection of results of EPA tests of vehicle miles-per-gallon
New Jersey RPR database In New Jersey's Community Right-To-Know Act, facilities make Release and Pollution Reports that include information of chemical use and toxics in products
NPRI database National Pollutant Release Inventory; Canadian databases of toxic chemical releases
PCS database Permit Compliance System; database of water pollution permits
RCRIS database (RCRAInfo) RCRA Information System; hazardous waste generation, transfer, treatment and disposal permits. Now called RCRAInfo. Recipient Reports Information on contracts and assistance from recipients of funds under the Recovery Act.
RMP database Risk Management Program database of worst-case scenarios, accident response plans, and accident histories from sites with significant chemical accident potential
RODS data set Records of Decision System; collection of documents concerning decisions made about cleanup of Superfund sites
RSEI database The Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators database weights TRI data by toxicity, environmental path, and population exposed
SETS data set (PRP) Database of letters to Potentially Responsible Parties for Superfund sites. Now called PRP.
SFIP data set The Sector Facility Indexing Project combines information on facilities in five major industries from various databases
SRD database Database of estimations of toxic chemical constituents in products
TDS database Total Diet Study; database of tests for pesticide residues in prepared foods
TRI database Toxic Release Inventory; premier U.S. database of toxic releases and waste
TSCATS data set TSCA Tracking System; collection of documents concerning health effects of toxic chemicals submitted by companies to EPA

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