Greenhouse 100 Coal Index Record for Mach #1 Mine

MineMach #1 Mine
Current Parent Company or ControllerForesight Energy
2022 underground coal production (short tons, from EIA)7,715,724
2022 total coal production (short tons, from EIA)7,715,724
2023 underground coal production (short tons, from MSHA)7,037,074
2023 total coal production (short tons, from MSHA)7,037,074
Coal typebituminous (from combined MSHA and EIA info)
CO2 metric tons 202216,741,346
CO2 metric tons 202315,268,832

Data from MSHA

(The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is an agency of the United States Department of Labor which enforces compliance with mandatory safety and health standards for mines.)

Mine ID1103141
Mine stateIllinois
Portable operation (mine can move around)N
Current mine nameMach #1 Mine
Current mine typeUnderground
Current mine statusActive
Status date09/01/2006
Current controllerForesight Energy Labor LLC
Current operatorMach Mining LLC
Company typeOther
Directions to mineFrom Marion, Illinois go East 8 miles to Pittsburg Road. Turn North on Pittsburg Road go 6 miles to the Johnston City blacktop. Turn East on Johnston City blacktop and go 2 miles to the Liberty School Road. Turn North on Liberty School Road, go 1.5 miles to mine entrance. Site is east of Liberty School Road.
Nearest townJohnston City
Mine has underground component (yes/no)y
Mine has surface component (yes/no)n
Mine has refuse component (yes/no)n
Mine has preparation plant (yes/no)y
Methane liberation (cubic feet each 24 hours)3543931

Data from EIA

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is an agency that is part of the U.S. Dept. of Energy and is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating energy information.

EIA mine nameMach #1 Mine
Coal location stateIllinois
Mine statusActive
Company typeOperating Subsidiary
Operation typeMine and Preparation Plant
Operator nameMach Mining Llc
Operator addressP.O. Box 300, Johnston City, IL 62951
Coal supply regionIllinois Basin
Mine has underground component (yes/no)y
Mine has surface component (yes/no)n
Mine has refuse component (yes/no)n
Mine has preparation plant (yes/no)n

Data from GHGRP

U.S. EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) reports among other greenhouse gas emissions the amount of methane released from undergrund coal mines.

GHGRP facility (mine) namePOND CREEK NO. 1 MINE
Facility (mine) ID1010198
Methane released (metric tons per year)23,035
Methane CO2 equivalent (mt / yr)575878.750000000000000000000

Data from GEM

Global Energy Monitor (GEM) is an independent nonprofit organization that develops and shares information in support of the worldwide movement for clean energy. These data are from its Global Coal Mine Tracker database.

GEM mine wiki page
GEM mine nameMach No.1 Coal Mine
GEM mine IDM1042
Owner(s)Mach Mining
Parent companyForesight Energy
Coal typeBituminous
SubregionNorthern America
Number of mine units1
Active mine unit(s)y
Annual coal output (millions of short tons)7.0
Annual underground coal output (millions of short tons)7.0
Annual surface coal output (millions of short tons)0.0
Annual underground or surface coal output (millions of short tons)0.0
Annual refuse coal output (millions of short tons)0.0

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