
Greenhouse 100 Coal Index Record for Ohio County Mine

MineOhio County Mine
Current Parent Company or ControllerAmerican Consolidated Natural Resources Inc.
2022 underground coal production (short tons, from EIA)6,368,730
2022 total coal production (short tons, from EIA)6,368,730
2023 underground coal production (short tons, from MSHA)6,451,629
2023 total coal production (short tons, from MSHA)6,451,629
Coal typebituminous (from combined MSHA and EIA info)
CO2 metric tons 202213,818,679
CO2 metric tons 202313,998,551

Data from MSHA

(The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is an agency of the United States Department of Labor which enforces compliance with mandatory safety and health standards for mines.)

Mine ID4601436
Mine stateWest Virginia
Portable operation (mine can move around)N
Current mine nameOhio County Mine
Current mine typeUnderground
Current mine statusActive
Status date08/30/2002
Current controllerACNR Holdings, Inc
Current operatorOhio County Coal Resources, Inc.
Company typeCorporation
Directions to mineWhittaker Portal: From I-70 exit at Elm Grove, turn left onto Route 40, turn left on Kruger St. (.6 miles) to the convenience store, then cross bridge to the Wheeling Creek Road. Turn left at stop sign onto Mill-Acres Dr. Cross bridge after passing school. Immediately after passing school, following Wheeling Creek Road (Mill-Acres Dr.) to Portal Bridge (5.5 miles). The portal is approximately (.3 miles) after crossing steel truss bridge. Dallas Portal: I-79 to 70 West exit right to town of Dallas. Follow Dallas Pike 5 miles right onto #2 Ridge Road. Travel 4 miles right onto Golden Ridge Road to Dallas Portal.
Nearest townDallas
Mine has underground component (yes/no)y
Mine has surface component (yes/no)n
Mine has refuse component (yes/no)n
Mine has preparation plant (yes/no)y
Methane liberation (cubic feet each 24 hours)1961660

Data from EIA

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is an agency that is part of the U.S. Dept. of Energy and is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating energy information.

EIA mine nameOhio County Mine
Coal location stateWest Virginia (Northern)
Note:The EIA coal location state is the state where the coal is mined: the MSHA state is the state where the mine mouth is located. In this case they differ.
Mine statusActive
Company typeOperating Subsidiary
Operation typeMine and Preparation Plant
Operator nameOhio County Coal Resources, In
Operator address1107 Golden Ridge Road, Dallas, WV 26036
Coal supply regionAppalachia Northern
Mine has underground component (yes/no)y
Mine has surface component (yes/no)n
Mine has refuse component (yes/no)n
Mine has preparation plant (yes/no)n

Data from GHGRP

U.S. EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) reports among other greenhouse gas emissions the amount of methane released from undergrund coal mines.

GHGRP facility (mine) nameOHIO COUNTY MINE
Facility (mine) ID1008766
Methane released (metric tons per year)32,047
Methane CO2 equivalent (mt / yr)801173.500000000000000000000

Data from GEM

Global Energy Monitor (GEM) is an independent nonprofit organization that develops and shares information in support of the worldwide movement for clean energy. These data are from its Global Coal Mine Tracker database.

GEM mine wiki page
GEM mine nameOhio County Coal Mine
GEM mine IDM1054
Owner(s)Ohio County Coal Resources Inc
Parent companyAmerican Consolidated Natural Resources Inc [100.0%]
Coal typeBituminous
StateWest Virginia
SubregionNorthern America
Number of mine units1
Active mine unit(s)y
Annual coal output (millions of short tons)6.5
Annual underground coal output (millions of short tons)6.5
Annual surface coal output (millions of short tons)0.0
Annual underground or surface coal output (millions of short tons)0.0
Annual refuse coal output (millions of short tons)0.0

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