
Parent company or controller Sev.en Energy

Rank in Greenhouse 100 Coal Index: 12
CO2 emissions from combustion of all coal supplied (metric tons) 2022: 19,782,637
CO2 emissions from combustion of all coal supplied (metric tons) 2023: 20,567,985
Percentage of national total 2022 coal supplier emissions: 1.8%
Percentage of national total 2023 coal supplier emissions: 1.9%

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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by 2022 CO2 emissions (mt) descending.)

Links on mine names lead to detailed mine data displays.)

Mine NameState2022 CO2 emissions (mt) down arrow2023 CO2 emissions (mt)Split *
Blue Creek No. 1 UG MineWV2,032,0683,147,622
East Mac & NellieKY1,930,0842,050,207
North Eagle MineWV1,853,5201,814,707
Glancy Surface MineWV1,685,0041,624,131
Winchester Peerless Rachel MineWV1,645,3371,358,144
Speed MineWV1,581,0421,298,245
Samples Surface MineWV1,179,7231,497,988
Maple Eagle No. 1 MineWV1,097,1121,013,133
Bear Branch 2KY965,1161,030,239
Calvary No 81KY834,047827,947
Eagle #3 MineWV761,913489,802
Flying EagleWV739,829739,553
Sycamore Surface MineWV730,694878,008
Coal Branch No.1 MineWV662,322494,690
Gateway Eagle MineWV600,111283,836
No. 77KY589,192673,878
Chilton Deep Mine No.1WV487,231488,027
Combs Branch JobKY235,014316,411
Samples Mine Highwall MinerWV144,487130,785
SHM-75 WV28,79385,235
Salem Auger #41WV01,886
Winchester 2WV0283,854
For more information on the data, see the technical notes.
* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

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Greenhouse 100 Coal Index