
Parent company or controller Cleveland-Cliffs

Rank in Greenhouse 100 Coal Index: 35
CO2 emissions from combustion of all coal supplied (metric tons) 2022: 3,129,093
CO2 emissions from combustion of all coal supplied (metric tons) 2023: 2,768,906
Percentage of national total 2022 coal supplier emissions: 0.3%
Percentage of national total 2023 coal supplier emissions: 0.3%

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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by 2022 CO2 emissions (mt) descending.)

Links on mine names lead to detailed mine data displays.)

Mine NameState2022 CO2 emissions (mt) down arrow2023 CO2 emissions (mt)Split *Coal production 2022 (short tons)Coal production 2023 (short tons)Coal type
Dry Branch Surface MineWV1,239,906922,261571,446425,050bituminous
Mine No. 39WV736,190652,111339,294300,544bituminous
Mine No. 43WV493,45660,539227,42327,901bituminous
Low Gap Surface MineWV311,60755,711143,61325,676bituminous
Virginia Point No. 1 Surface MineVA241,942417,670111,506192,495bituminous
Highwall Miner #1VA66,44562,38530,62328,752bituminous
Eckman Surface MineWV24,560449,31611,319207,080bituminous
Mine No. 44WV14,987148,9136,90768,631bituminous
For more information on the data, see the technical notes.
* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

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Greenhouse 100 Coal Index