
Parent company or controller Arch Resources

Rank in Greenhouse 100 Coal Index: 2
CO2 emissions from combustion of all coal supplied (metric tons) 2022: 138,967,738
CO2 emissions from combustion of all coal supplied (metric tons) 2023: 133,775,744
Percentage of national total 2022 coal supplier emissions: 12.4%
Percentage of national total 2023 coal supplier emissions: 12.2%

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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by 2022 CO2 emissions (mt) descending.)

Links on mine names lead to detailed mine data displays.)

Mine NameState2022 CO2 emissions (mt) down arrow2023 CO2 emissions (mt)Split *Coal production 2022 (short tons)Coal production 2023 (short tons)Coal type
Black ThunderWY105,634,029102,892,42462,181,55760,567,709subbituminous
West Elk MineCO9,450,8746,793,0444,355,7033,130,767bituminous
Leer MineWV8,769,3929,641,5904,041,6234,443,600bituminous
Coal Creek MineWY6,411,8953,833,6653,774,3672,256,690subbituminous
Leer South MineWV4,911,3396,029,3502,263,5302,778,797bituminous
Beckley Pocahontas MineWV2,163,6562,340,704997,1821,078,780bituminous
Mountaineer II MineWV1,626,5532,244,966749,6431,034,656bituminous
For more information on the data, see the technical notes.
* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

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Greenhouse 100 Coal Index