
Parent company or controller Javelin Global Commodities (UK) Ltd

Rank in Greenhouse 100 Coal Index: 50
CO2 emissions from combustion of all coal supplied (metric tons) 2022: 1,743,681
CO2 emissions from combustion of all coal supplied (metric tons) 2023: 2,109,982
Percentage of national total 2022 coal supplier emissions: 0.2%
Percentage of national total 2023 coal supplier emissions: 0.2%

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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by 2022 CO2 emissions (mt) descending.)

Links on mine names lead to detailed mine data displays.)

Mine NameState2022 CO2 emissions (mt) down arrow2023 CO2 emissions (mt)Split *Coal production 2022 (short tons)Coal production 2023 (short tons)Coal type
Panther MineKY1,046,1311,117,534482,139515,047bituminous
Tyree Mine KY434,664586,630200,327270,365bituminous
Darby MineKY262,887291,357121,159134,280bituminous
Orchard Branch Owl MineKY0114,462052,753bituminous
For more information on the data, see the technical notes.
* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

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Greenhouse 100 Coal Index