Greenhouse 100 Coal Index Record for Decker Mine

Mine: Decker Mine
Current Parent Company or Controller: Lighthouse Resources
2021 surface coal production (short tons, from EIA): 203,932
2021 total coal production (short tons, from EIA): 203,932
Coal type: subbituminous (from combined MSHA and EIA info)
CO2 metric tons 2021: 346,640
CO2 metric tons 2022: 0

Data from MSHA

(The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is an agency of the United States Department of Labor which enforces compliance with mandatory safety and health standards for mines.)
Mine ID: 2400839
Mine state: Montana
Portable operation (mine can move around): N
Current mine name: Decker Mine
Current mine type: Surface
Current mine status: Active
Status date: 09/01/1972
Current controller: Lighthouse Resources Inc
Current operator: Decker Coal Company
County: Big Horn
Company type: Other
Latitude: 45.037778
Longitude: -106.831111
Directions to mine: 25 Miles NE Sheridan, Wy on Hwy 338
Nearest town: Decker, MT 59025
Mine has underground component (yes/no): n
Mine has surface component (yes/no): y
Mine has refuse component (yes/no): n
Mine has preparation plant (yes/no): y

Data from EIA

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is an agency that is part of the U.S. Dept. of Energy and is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating energy information.
EIA mine name: Decker Mine
Coal location state: Montana
County: Big Horn
Mine status: Active
Company type: Operating Subsidiary
Operation type: Mine and Preparation Plant
Operator name: Decker Coal Company
Operator address: P.O. Box 12, Decker, MT 59025
Coal supply region: Powder River Basin
Mine has underground component (yes/no): n
Mine has surface component (yes/no): y
Mine has refuse component (yes/no): n
Mine has preparation plant (yes/no): n

Data from GEM

Global Energy Monitor (GEM) is an independent nonprofit organization that develops and shares information in support of the worldwide movement for clean energy. These data are from its Global Coal Mine Tracker database.
GEM mine wiki page:
GEM mine name: Decker Mine
GEM mine ID: M3448
Mine name AKAs: Decker Mine
Operator(s): Decker Coal Company
Owner(s): Lighthouse Resources
Parent company: Lighthouse Resources
Coal type: Subbituminous
State: Montana
Subregion: Northern America
Latitude: 45.037778
Longitude: -106.831111
Workforce size: 185
Total reserves: 0
Total resource: 0
Number of mine units: 1
Active mine unit(s): y
Methane release estimate (million cubic meters per year): 0.30
Annual coal output (millions of metric tons): 0.2
Annual coal output (millions of short tons): 0.2
Annual underground coal output (millions of short tons): 0.0
Annual surface coal output (millions of short tons): 0.2
Annual underground or surface coal output (millions of short tons): 0.0
Annual refuse coal output (millions of short tons): 0.0
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