

Rank among all TRI companies: 634
Air releases 2015 (lbs): 1,069,231
Incineration transfers 2015 (lbs): 0
Total Air and Incineration Toxic Score 2015: 27,502
EJ: Poor Share: 10%
EJ: Minority Share: 19%

You can also view this company's penalties in Violation Tracker.
You can also look at this company's state, local, and Federal subsidies in Subsidy Tracker.
This company has information in PERI's Toxic Water database.
This company is rank 21 on the Greenhouse 100 list.

Chemicals at facilities displayed below: (
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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by percent of total company score.)
(Links on facility names lead to full TRI reports. Links on cities lead to Mapquest maps. Links on chemical names lead to Scorecard chemical health effects.)
Split *
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Chromium and chromium compounds 532 0 10,572 38.44% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Cobalt and cobalt compounds 126 0 5,499 20.00% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Sulfuric acid 476,784 0 4,277 15.55% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Chromium and chromium compounds 74 0 1,714 6.23% 15.5% 36.1%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Chromium and chromium compounds 163 0 1,619 5.89% 10.6% 8.8%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Nickel and nickel compounds 511 0 1,220 4.44% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Sulfuric acid 114,729 0 1,200 4.36% 15.5% 36.1%
AMEREN MISSOURI MERAMEC ENERGY CENTER SAINT LOUIS MO Sulfuric acid 7,919 0 353 1.28% 13.4% 28.6%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Nickel and nickel compounds 86 0 239 0.87% 15.5% 36.1%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Barium and barium compounds 7,700 0 138 0.50% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Sulfuric acid 27,534 0 123 0.45% 10.6% 8.8%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Hydrogen fluoride 186,818 0 120 0.44% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI MERAMEC ENERGY CENTER SAINT LOUIS MO Barium and barium compounds 1,200 0 107 0.39% 13.4% 28.6%
AMEREN MISSOURI MERAMEC ENERGY CENTER SAINT LOUIS MO Hydrogen fluoride 27,845 0 89 0.32% 13.4% 28.6%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Hydrogen fluoride 87,256 0 28 0.10% 10.6% 8.8%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Hydrochloric acid 59,326 0 27 0.10% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Manganese and manganese compounds 653 0 24 0.09% 8.5% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Lead and lead compounds 313 0 19 0.07% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Barium and barium compounds 1,831 0 16 0.06% 10.6% 8.8%
AMEREN MISSOURI MERAMEC ENERGY CENTER SAINT LOUIS MO Mercury and mercury compounds 97 0 15 0.05% 13.4% 28.6%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Mercury and mercury compounds 481 0 15 0.05% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI MERAMEC ENERGY CENTER SAINT LOUIS MO Lead and lead compounds 49 0 14 0.05% 13.4% 28.6%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Hydrochloric acid 24,705 0 13 0.05% 15.5% 36.1%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Barium and barium compounds 423 0 9 0.03% 15.5% 36.1%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Hydrogen fluoride 9,735 0 7 0.03% 15.5% 36.1%
AMEREN MISSOURI MERAMEC ENERGY CENTER SAINT LOUIS MO Polycyclic aromatic compounds 1 0 7 0.03% 12.8% 26.0%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Manganese and manganese compounds 86 0 5 0.02% 15.1% 36.5%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Hydrochloric acid 23,011 0 5 0.02% 10.6% 8.8%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Antimony and antimony compounds 95 0 4 0.02% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Manganese and manganese compounds 190 0 4 0.01% 10.5% 8.5%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Polycyclic aromatic compounds 3 0 3 0.01% 15.9% 38.1%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Lead and lead compounds 46 0 3 0.01% 15.5% 36.1%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Lead and lead compounds 90 0 3 0.01% 10.6% 8.8%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Copper and copper compounds 633 0 2 0.01% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Zinc and zinc compounds 4,413 0 1 0.00% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Mercury and mercury compounds 58 0 1 0.00% 10.6% 8.8%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Mercury and mercury compounds 24 0 1 0.00% 15.5% 36.1%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds 0 0 1 0.00% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI MERAMEC ENERGY CENTER SAINT LOUIS MO Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds 0 0 1 0.00% 13.4% 28.6%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Copper and copper compounds 93 0 0 0.00% 15.5% 36.3%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Copper and copper compounds 218 0 0 0.00% 10.6% 8.8%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds 0 0 0 0.00% 15.5% 36.1%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Zinc and zinc compounds 817 0 0 0.00% 15.5% 36.1%
AMEREN MISSOURI LABADIE ENERGY CENTER LABADIE MO Vanadium and vanadium compounds 646 0 0 0.00% 8.6% 16.7%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Zinc and zinc compounds 1,544 0 0 0.00% 10.6% 8.8%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds 0 0 0 0.00% 10.6% 8.8%
AMEREN MISSOURI MERAMEC ENERGY CENTER SAINT LOUIS MO Vanadium and vanadium compounds 101 0 0 0.00% 13.4% 28.6%
AMEREN MISSOURI RUSH ISLAND ENERGY CENTER FESTUS MO Vanadium and vanadium compounds 192 0 0 0.00% 10.6% 8.8%
AMEREN MISSOURI SIOUX ENERGY CENTER WEST ALTON MO Vanadium and vanadium compounds 81 0 0 0.00% 15.5% 36.1%

For explanations of most columns above, including the EJ Shares, see the technical notes.

The Greenhouse CO2e column shows the CO2 equivalent pounds released by this facility if the facility also exists in the Greenhouse database

* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies for their parent company data, although the full pounds and score are displayed here.

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