

Rank in Toxic 100: 29
Rank among all TRI companies: 85
Air releases 2015 (lbs): 899,047
Incineration transfers 2015 (lbs): 78,442
Total Air and Incineration Toxic Score 2015: 731,849
Percentage of national total 2015 toxic air and incineration score: 0.2%
EJ: Poor Share: 30%
EJ: Minority Share: 58%

You can also view this company's penalties in Violation Tracker.
You can also look at this company's state, local, and Federal subsidies in Subsidy Tracker.
This company is rank 9 on the Toxic 100 Water list.
This company is rank 24 on the Greenhouse 100 list.

Chemicals displayed below: (
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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by percent of total company score.)
(Links on chemical names lead to Scorecard chemical health effects.)
Cadmium and cadmium compounds 264 0 198,698 27.15% 35.3% 59.3%
Chromium and chromium compounds 1,665 0 183,027 25.01% 29.1% 64.7%
Benzene 181,912 1,807 168,305 23.00% 23.0% 45.6%
Nickel and nickel compounds 734 0 40,854 5.58% 25.2% 54.9%
Manganese and manganese compounds 22,251 0 34,461 4.71% 32.0% 69.1%
Polycyclic aromatic compounds 1,554 17,209 32,599 4.45% 32.5% 54.2%
Quinoline 149 727 22,562 3.08% 20.5% 39.4%
Lead and lead compounds 10,160 0 18,179 2.48% 27.1% 65.6%
Hydrogen sulfide 100,477 0 15,677 2.14% 29.4% 69.6%
Beryllium and beryllium compounds 9 0 11,116 1.52% 34.5% 80.1%
Naphthalene 7,172 30,049 2,289 0.31% 31.3% 39.4%
Zinc and zinc compounds 107,222 0 1,054 0.14% 31.0% 67.4%
Mercury and mercury compounds 949 0 599 0.08% 19.5% 42.3%
Ammonia 298,009 0 564 0.08% 22.3% 49.5%
1,3-Butadiene 139 0 433 0.06% 18.8% 31.7%
Molybdenum trioxide 116 0 366 0.05% 29.4% 79.5%
Barium and barium compounds 428 0 329 0.04% 32.6% 74.0%
Cyanide compounds 1,221 330 228 0.03% 20.5% 44.3%
Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds 0 0 113 0.02% 21.3% 54.2%
Copper and copper compounds 826 0 99 0.01% 28.9% 61.9%
Hydrochloric acid 9,923 0 74 0.01% 22.5% 56.2%
Pyridine 1,423 227 57 0.01% 20.4% 46.3%
Aluminum (fume or dust) 1,220 34 54 0.01% 20.2% 42.8%
Antimony and antimony compounds 19 0 35 0.00% 31.5% 76.2%
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 53 952 21 0.00% 41.8% 44.7%
Phenol 39,819 1,953 18 0.00% 20.4% 47.9%
n-Hexane 48,420 0 13 0.00% 23.0% 65.6%
Chlorine 5 0 12 0.00% 30.3% 74.5%
Vanadium and vanadium compounds 257 0 4 0.00% 33.6% 64.6%
Sulfuric acid 17 0 4 0.00% 20.0% 42.1%
Biphenyl 95 840 2 0.00% 38.3% 37.1%
Xylene (mixed isomers) 1,455 931 1 0.00% 31.8% 35.7%
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 47 363 1 0.00% 19.7% 35.9%
Ethylene 33,267 0 1 0.00% 23.3% 34.0%
Ethylbenzene 11 204 1 0.00% 20.4% 40.3%
Toluene 14,950 1,090 0 0.00% 25.2% 42.7%
2,4-Dimethylphenol 185 0 0 0.00% 18.7% 31.1%
Propylene (Propene) 6,401 0 0 0.00% 24.1% 34.4%
Cresol (mixed isomers) 381 2,589 0 0.00% 19.1% 34.6%
Anthracene 855 4,764 0 0.00% 28.4% 39.1%
Styrene 508 182 0 0.00% 33.3% 40.6%
Carbonyl sulfide 2 0 0 0.00% 22.7% 22.6%
Phenanthrene 3,169 11,360 0 0.00% 0.0% 0.0%
Dibenzofuran 576 2,831 0 0.00% 0.0% 0.0%
Lithium carbonate 734 0 0 0.00% 0.0% 0.0%

For explanations of most columns above, including the EJ Shares, see the technical notes.

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