Location: Edward R. Roybal Comprehensive Health Center
Address: 245 South Fetterly Ave. (at 3rd St.)
Artist: Daniel Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall, Anthony J. Lumsden
Keywords: exterior, cultural, mural
Area: East L.A./Monterey Park (mural number 32 in Street Gallery).
This is a series of 99 pictographs from a traditional codex written by ancient Mesoamericans, the Codex Nutthall. Eight-Deer Ocelot-Claw was a Mixtec leader who was born in 1011 and ruled an area that includes what is now Oaxaca in southern Mexico. The original codices were made of deerskin or bark paper; most were destroyed by Spanish conquerors.
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Photos copyright 2000,2001,2002 Rich Puchalsky.