| Title | Artist |
 | 500 Years of Indigenous Struggle | Mario Aguirre Uriarte |
 | A History of Our Struggle | Goez Art Studio, Robert Arenivar, Joel Suro Olivares, Jose-Luis Gonzalez, asst. David Botello, Juan Gonzalez |
 | Adam y Eva | Willie Herron III |
 | Advancements of Man | Willie Herron III and Alfonso Trejo Jr. |
 | American Concert | Tony Nunez and youth |
 | Art of Harmony '98 | Man One |
 | Bridges to East L.A. | Ernesto de la Loza |
 | Chains of Life | Charles Felix |
 | Chicano Time Trip | Los Dos Streetscapers (Wayne Healy and David Botello) |
 | Creations of Man | Los Ninos del Mundo |
 | Cuauhtemoc (Descending Eagle) | Mario Aguirre Uriarte |
 | Cuidense Amigos | David Botello |
 | Dreams of Flight | David Botello |
 | Dreams of Past, Present, Future | Jose Antonio Aguire, Eva Cristina Perez, Alfredo Calderon |
 | Eight-Deer Ocelot-Claw, Mixtec Chieftan | Daniel Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall, Anthony J. Lumsden |
 | El Corrido de Boyle Heights | East Los Streetscapers (David Botello, Wayne Healy, George Yepes) |
 | El Corrido de Ricardo Valdez | Juan Solis |
 | El Rabano de Jesus | Rafael Paleto |
 | El Rescate | John Zender Estrada |
 | El Tepeyac de Los Angeles | George Yepes |
 | Fishes of the Future | Norma Montoya |
 | Ghosts of the Barrio | Wayne Healy |
 | Give Me Life | Charles Felix and Los Ninos del Mundo |
 | Giving Colors a Home | Sacred, Swank, Asyl'm, Adeo, Hodo, ManOne, many others |
 | Homenaje a Siqueiros | Eva Cockcroft and Alessandra Moctezuma (and D. A. Siquieros) |
 | If We Could Share | Lydia Dominguez |
 | In Memory of a Home Boy | Daniel Martinez |
 | In Memory of our beloved friends | Unknown |
 | Innocence | Norma Montoya |
 | Jesus is the MasterPiece | Danny "Chaka" Robert "Perro" |
 | La Danza de las Aguilas | Ernesto de la Loza |
 | La Doliente de Hidalgo | Willie Herron III |
 | La Familia Hernandez | Frank Hernandez |
 | La Mujer | Judithe Hernandez |
 | La Vida Breve de Alfonso Fulano | Goez Art Studio (Robert Arenivar, Jose-Luis Gonzalez, Juan Gonzalez, David Botello) |
 | La Vida Es Sagrada | Mictlan Murals |
 | Las Olimpiades | Frank Martinez with Lynda Silva |
 | Las Tres Culturas | Rozelio Duarte, repainted by Juan Navarro and Pastetez |
 | Life Flows at Aliso-Pico | East Los Streetscapers (David Botello, Wayne Healy, George Yepes) asst. by Paul Botello, Ismael Cazarez |
 | Life, Love and Pain / Aliso Pico Pride | Unknown |
 | Los Cuatros Grandes | Ernesto de la Loza with youth and others |
 | Lost Angels / Smoke Signals | WGS, CBS, Epik, Nox, Duce, Galn, many others |
 | Mater Imaculataora Pronobis | Unknown |
 | Mayan Rain God | Jose-Luis Gonzalez, Goez Art Studio |
 | Metamorphasis | David Rivera, George Menchaca, Louie Lopez, Jaime Rodriguez, Alberto Rincon |
 | Mi Linda Raza | Unknown |
 | Mi Raza es Mi Orgullo | Daniel Martinez and Squeaky Pierce |
 | Moratorium - The Black and White Mural | Willie Herron III and Gronk |
 | No Somos Animales | Willie Herron III, assisted by Ralph Ramirez |
 | Ocean Fantasy | The Muralistics |
 | Ofrenda Maya I | Goez Art Studio (designed by Robert Arenivar, project director Jose-Luis Gonzalez) |
 | Ofrenda Maya II | Jose-Luis Gonzalez, Goez Art Studio |
 | Olympia | Charles Felix |
 | Orale Raza | Frank Fierro |
 | Orgullo de Nuestra Herencia | Goez Art Studio (designed by Frank Martinez, project director Jose-Luis Gonzalez) |
 | Our Lady | Jex, Gzer, Midzt, WGS |
 | Our Lady of Guadalupe | David Lopez and poet Sam Zepeda, asst. by local youth |
 | Pray for Peace in the Barrios | Unknown |
 | Quetzalcoatl | Coordinated by Jose Ruiz, artists Pete, Santiago, Rafael, and Frank Ruiz, Francisco Jaimes, Guillermo Rodarte |
 | Quetzalcoatl | Willie Herron III |
 | Raza Adelante | John Zender Estrada with youth |
 | Respect What You See | Bill Butler, asst. by Pedro Pelayo and Arnold Ramirez |
 | Search for Identity | Richard T. Jiminez |
 | Self Help Graphics Building | Eduardo Oropeza |
 | Self-Portrait: Culture and Me | Designed by Rosalio Velasco, painted with Rodolfo Nonog |
 | Si Podemos, Yes We Can | John Zender Estrada with youth |
 | Sleeping Woman's Dream | Norma Montoya |
 | Team Spirit | Tim Fields, many youth |
 | The Artist | Daniel Haro |
 | The Greatest Love | Paul Botello |
 | The History of L.A. | Carlos Almaraz, asst. by Guillermo Bejarano |
 | The Learning Tree | Alfredo Diaz Flores |
 | The Living Temple | Paul Botello |
 | The Sun Bathers | Goez Studio (Gil Hernandez) |
 | The Town I Live In | Unknown |
 | The Wall That Cracked Open | Willie Herron III and local youth |
 | The Wall That Speaks, Sings, and Shouts | Paul Botello, assisted by Adalberto Ortiz, Gerardo Herrera, Gustavo Sanchez |
 | Three Gospels | Andy Ledesma, Isabel Mora, Jerry Rodriguez |
 | Tikkun Olam -- To Repair the World | George Yepes |
 | To Ace Out a Homeboy | Manuel Cruz |
 | Tome Conciencia | Taller de Grafica Monumental (Norma Urenda, Isela Guerrero, Eduardo Juarez, Mauricio Gomez, Esther Cimet) |
 | Tree of Knowledge (a.k.a. Read) | Chicana Action Service Center, supervised by Josefina Quezada, designed Teresa Chacon, many artists |
 | Tribute to the Farmworkers | Alexandro C. Maya |
 | Trucha! Vital Decisions Ahead | East Los Streetscapers (David Botello, Rudy Calderon, Wayne Healy) |
 | Two Flags | Sonny Ramirez |
 | Unidentified Toy Interceptors | UTI, DOA, many others |
 | Untitled | Armando Cabrera, reworked by Joe Rodriguez |
 | Untitled | Art Zarate |
 | Untitled | Blossom |
 | Untitled | Charles Felix |
 | Untitled | Charles Felix |
 | Untitled | Charles Felix |
 | Untitled | Charles Felix |
 | Untitled | Charles Felix |
 | Untitled | Daniel Haro |
 | Untitled | Daniel Haro |
 | Untitled | Daniel Martinez and crew |
 | Untitled | Daniel Martinez and the East L.A. 13 |
 | Untitled | Eduardo Ortiz, David Cruz, J. Pasillas, and friends |
 | Untitled | El Congreso de Artistas Cosmicos de las Americas de San Diego |
 | Untitled | F. Debora, assisted by Amodor, "Mexica" |
 | Untitled | Frank Lopez |
 | Untitled | GTZ |
 | Untitled | Gonzales |
 | Untitled | Indio and V. Cholo |
 | Untitled | Ismael Cazarez |
 | Untitled | Ismael Cazarez |
 | Untitled | Joe Rodriguez and Solomon Huerta |
 | Untitled | John Bene |
 | Untitled | ManOne |
 | Untitled | ManOne |
 | Untitled | ManOne |
 | Untitled | ManOne, Sacred, Vyal |
 | Untitled | ManOne, Sacred, Vyal |
 | Untitled | ManOne, Sacred, coiart |
 | Untitled | Manual Gomez Guy |
 | Untitled | Manuel Cruz |
 | Untitled | Manuel G. Cruz |
 | Untitled | Manuel G. Cruz |
 | Untitled | Manuel Gonzalez |
 | Untitled | Nancy Turner and Peeter Alvet |
 | Untitled | P. Rochas and Roger Provencio |
 | Untitled | Quiroz |
 | Untitled | ReyeSMeza, Mosaicos Bizantinos, S.A., Cuernivaca, Mex. |
 | Untitled | Richard Haro |
 | Untitled | Royal Chicano Air Force |
 | Untitled | Salvador Hernandez and Juan Salvador Hernandez |
 | Untitled | Sandy |
 | Untitled | Santiago Signs |
 | Untitled | Steve Delgado |
 | Untitled | The Muralistics |
 | Untitled | Tony Nunez |
 | Untitled | Tony Ramirez, Goez Art Studio |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Eduardo Oropeza |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | Unknown |
 | Untitled | WGS, CBS, Noxone, KEO, many others |
 | Untitled | WGS, CBS, Vox, Epik, Anger, many others |
 | Untitled | WGS, Dest, Noxone, Mexica |
 | Untitled | WGS, Noxone, others |
 | Untitled | WGS, Real, Sentinel, KEO |
 | Virgin's Seed | Paul Botello |
 | We Are Not a Minority | El congreso de Artistas Cosmicos de las Americas de San Diego |
 | We Have a Future | Zinovy Shersher |
 | What Are You Shooting For? | many youth |
 | Who Is Chavez? | John Zender Estrada with youth |
 | Zodiac | Charles Felix |