Some murals by Elliott Pinkney

Ceremony for SmokersElliott Pinkney
Ethnic SimplicityElliott Pinkney and Arnold Pinkney
Evolution of the SpiritElliott Pinkney
Images of PeaceElliott Pinkney, many assistants
It Takes a Village to Raise a ChildElliott Pinkney, many assistants
Medicare 78Elliott Pinkney
Peace and LoveElliott Pinkney
Sports World of FunElliott Pinkney, many assistants
SuccessElliott Pinkney, assisted by Georges Le Chevallier
Together We DanceElliott Pinkney, assisted by Idris Brown and Fermin "Pete" Santa Cruz
UntitledElliott Pinkney
UntitledElliott Pinkney

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