
Enterprise Products Partners

Rank in Greenhouse 100: 96
2015 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions (metric tons): 7,627,456
Percentage of national total 2015 GHGRP large fixed source emissions: 0.3%
Percentage of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, including transportation and residential: 0.1%
Parent company sectors (in descending order of emissions): Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems, Chemicals
EJ: Poor Share: 18%
EJ: Minority Share: 60%

You can also view this company's penalties in Good Jobs First's Violation Tracker.
You can also look at this company's subsidies in Good Jobs First's Subsidy Tracker.
This company has information in PERI's Toxic Air database.
This company has information in PERI's Toxic Water database.

Sectors at facilities displayed below: (
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(Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by percent of total company emissions.)
(Links on facility names lead to FLIGHT reports. Links on cities lead to Mapquest maps.)
Split *
Mont Belvieu Complex Mont Belvieu TX Natural Gas Processing 1,157,436 15.17% 55.4% 16.2%
VAL VERDE TREATER BLOOMFIELD NM Natural Gas Processing 827,429 10.85% 48.1% 14.5%
Yoakum Cryogenic Plant Yoakum TX Natural Gas Processing 615,307 8.07% 44.0% 8.3%
Chaco Gas Plant Bloomfield NM Natural Gas Processing 420,220 5.51% 96.6% 47.6%
Meeker Gas Plant Rifle CO Natural Gas Processing 364,213 4.78% 20.2% 29.2%
BLANCO COMPRESSOR STATION C and D BLOOMFIELD NM Natural Gas Processing 308,646 4.05% 96.6% 47.6%
North Terrebonne Gas Plant Gibson LA Natural Gas Processing 292,713 3.84% 28.6% 19.0%
Waha Gas Plant Coyanosa TX Natural Gas Processing 190,164 2.49% -- --
Bridger Compressor Station Boulder WY Other Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 183,156 2.40% -- --
Thompsonville Gas Plant Mirando City TX Natural Gas Processing 172,352 2.26% 91.5% 26.3%
Neptune Gas Plant Centerville LA Natural Gas Processing 167,321 2.19% 40.0% 17.2%
INDIAN SPRINGS GAS PLANT LIVINGSTON TX Natural Gas Processing 164,399 2.16% 19.0% 16.6%
Area 72 CGP Facility 5911 County Road 136 TX Natural Gas Processing 158,611 2.08% 37.4% 12.3%
Area 71 CGP Facility Pawnee TX Natural Gas Processing 143,641 1.88% 37.4% 12.3%
Armstrong Gas Plant Yoakum TX Natural Gas Processing 139,660 1.83% 31.8% 8.8%
Paradise Compressor Station Boulder WY Other Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 97,080 1.27% -- --
Area 31 CGP Facility Pawnee TX Natural Gas Processing 96,929 1.27% 37.4% 12.3%
Promix Fractionation Facility Belle Rose LA Natural Gas Processing 193,828 1.27% 50% 49.5% 20.2%
Norco Fractionation Plant Norco LA Natural Gas Processing 93,281 1.22% 51.3% 15.5%
Toca Gas Processing Plant St. Bernard LA Natural Gas Processing 93,046 1.22% 41.3% 17.2%
Central Treating Facility Meeker CO Natural Gas Processing 91,315 1.20% 20.2% 29.2%
Provident City Compressor Station Hallettsville TX Natural Gas Transmission/Compression 90,597 1.19% 9.6% 9.5%
Area 51 CGP Facility Pawnee TX Natural Gas Processing 79,621 1.04% 37.4% 12.3%
South Carlsbad Turbine Station Carlsbad NM Natural Gas Processing 78,091 1.02% 48.5% 12.4%
Mansfield Compressor Station Pleasant Hill LA Natural Gas Transmission/Compression 76,413 1.00% 27.6% 16.0%
Falls City Compressor Station Falls City TX Other Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 73,207 0.96% 44.5% 17.1%
Bird Canyon Compressor Station Labarge WY Other Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 70,544 0.92% 13.6% 1.4%
Hobbs Fractionation Facility Seminole TX Natural Gas Processing 67,869 0.89% 31.5% 11.3%
Gilmore Gas Plant/Bel Junction Compressor Station Edinburg TX Natural Gas Processing 65,658 0.86% 91.7% 31.1%
Falcon Compressor Station Boulder WY Other Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 64,888 0.85% -- --
Battlefield Gas Plant Mansfield LA Natural Gas Processing 54,474 0.71% 71.1% 37.8%
Luman Compressor Station Boulder WY Other Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 54,384 0.71% -- --
White Kitchen Compressor Station Cotulla TX Other Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 49,961 0.66% 82.4% 14.8%
Chaparral Gas Plant Carlsbad NM Natural Gas Processing 45,752 0.60% -- --
Pioneer Cryogenic Plant Opal WY Natural Gas Processing 44,717 0.59% 10.1% 8.2%
Alliance Compressor Station Justin TX Natural Gas Processing 44,108 0.58% 26.9% 4.7%
Pasadena Plant Pasadena TX Other Chemicals 42,585 0.56% 76.2% 19.6%
Area 81 CGP Facility Pawnee TX Natural Gas Processing 42,311 0.55% 37.4% 12.3%
Delmita Gas Plant Delmita TX Natural Gas Processing 38,701 0.51% 97.4% 14.5%
Burnell Compressor Station Kennedy TX Natural Gas Transmission/Compression 35,423 0.46% 66.0% 21.5%
Area 41 CGP Facility Pawnee TX Natural Gas Processing 32,732 0.43% 37.4% 12.3%
Tebone Fractionator GEISMAR LA Natural Gas Processing 31,665 0.42% 35.6% 11.3%
Sonora Gas Plant Sonora TX Natural Gas Processing 31,019 0.41% -- --
Keatchie Gas Plant Keatchie LA Natural Gas Processing 29,579 0.39% 30.9% 21.1%
Freer 44 Compressor Station Freer TX Natural Gas Transmission/Compression 29,489 0.39% -- --
Sonora Compressor Station Sonora TX Natural Gas Transmission/Compression 26,557 0.35% -- --
San Martin Gas Plant Elmendorf TX Natural Gas Processing 25,939 0.34% 80.9% 18.8%
Bethel Compressor Station Tennessee Colony TX Natural Gas Transmission/Compression 22,920 0.30% 55.4% 8.1%
Jackrabbit Compressor Station Parachute CO Other Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 22,232 0.29% 30.3% 5.3%
Pump Canyon Compressor Station Bloomfield NM Other Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 17,833 0.23% 28.8% 12.5%
Wilson Storage Facility Boling TX Underground Natural Gas Storage 15,976 0.21% 52.5% 16.4%
Shilling Gas Plant Freer TX Natural Gas Processing 14,861 0.19% -- --
RATTLESNAKE COMPRESSOR STATION FARMINGTON NM Natural Gas Processing 12,540 0.16% 22.9% 11.3%
Burns Point Gas Plant Franklin LA Natural Gas Processing 24,250 0.16% 50% 44.2% 14.1%
Area 61 CGP Facility Pawnee TX Natural Gas Processing 11,985 0.16% 37.4% 12.3%
East Yard Compressor Station Encinal TX Other Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 10,990 0.14% 96.3% 38.5%
Pleasant Hill Gas Treating Facility Pelican LA Natural Gas Processing 3,060 0.04% 44.1% 26.6%
Hartman Ranch Compressor Station George West TX Natural Gas Transmission/Compression 2,840 0.04% 29.8% 3.7%
Gilmore Gas Plant/Bel Junction Compressor Station Edinburg TX Natural Gas Transmission/Compression 84 0.00% 91.7% 31.1%
Armstrong Gas Plant Yoakum TX Natural Gas Transmission/Compression 5 0.00% 31.8% 8.8%

For more information on the data, see the technical notes.

* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.

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